Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Too Funny!

Kate makes us laugh every single day, usually just because she is silly or cute. But at not even 19 months old she has made up her own joke. It is pretty funny and she thinks so too. My sister Ali was over last week, Kate was naming Mama and Dada, then we asked her who the other person was. She knows Ali's name, but for some reason said "Grandgra"- the name for Grandma or Grandpa. We all laughed really hard. For a while after this each time we would ask "who is that" she would look at us, get a clever little grin on her face and shout "Grandgra" and start to laugh. You could just see her little mind at work- now which one is the right answer and which one makes everyone laugh. It is pretty funny calling someone a grandma when they aren't and she figured that out quickly. Hilarious!


The Tomlinsons said...

SOOOO CUTE! You have such a fun little family.

Anonymous said...

Just think in no time at all she will have her little brother in stiches with her wit. You will have your own built in entertainer!

Jeff and Chelsy said...

Your little girls is so cute! I am a little behind on blogging, but congrats on a little boy. They are so much fun, and now you have the best of both.

Julander Family said...

I love it! Isn't it crazy the things they understand so young! I am amazed daily at the things my kids come up with. So Cute!!!