This past week Team Freeman spent in Sun Valley, Idaho for the Utah Bar Association Conference. Jake has to go do continuing education each year for his license. This conference is a great way to get a lot of it done in one chunk, plus his work pays for it. We use it as a free mini vacation. We would also likely never pick Sun Valley as a vacation spot. It is a super resorty town and a lot like Park City- which is 6 hours closer- so it is fun to explore and learn about a place we likely would not go to otherwise. Also since the conference is here every year we are learning what we like to do, where to stay and eat etc. Jake does have to attend classes until noon, but it is hard for the kids to be on the run all day anyway. The day before we left we celebrated my 27th birthday. I feel way to immature to be 27 already. (If you know me well you may be nodding your head at the last comment). For a celebration Jake made me my traditional super chocolate cake, we went out to eat and then shopping for a new Canon Rebel. It is great when you get a gift you have literally been wanting for the past four years! If you notice a massive increase in the amount of pictures posted from now on you will know what to attribute it too I guess. After the celebrating we packed our bags, bikes, and new camera and started the 6 hour drive to Sun Valley.

Kate hanging out at the condo. Jake's office rents us a condo for the conference. It was only one bedroom, but we found that there was plenty of room for us. Other than it being on the third floor, it was perfect. I was surpirsed how well we faired as a family of four in 500 square feet for the week. It was quaint, cozy, clean and had cable. I mention that only because Jake and I put the kids to bed one night, and instead of resting up for an exciting and eventful day, we stayed up way past bed time watching the cable and a show on TLC called "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant". It is hiliarious.

We are on vacation Kate- you don't have to clean! Ha Ha

Sam hanging out in our bed. I thought this was funny one day he just happened to match the bedspread he was sleeping on.

Outside the condo Kate plays in the stream. This was the closest thing I took to a landscape picture. That was silly since I had a new camera to try out and the valley is so beautiful. We had told Kate we were going to Idaho. She obviously doesn't understand what a state is, and thought that is what she should call the condo.

The kids in the bike trailer.
We didn't have the
bicycle limo this year, but we had so much fun our first year in Sun Valley biking with Kate in the rented trailer that we purchased one shortly there after for ourselves. This was the most use the trailer has got since we bought it- and Sam's first outing in it. For the most part they did really well in it. It was fun to be able to ride over to the pool, or into town to eat. The entire town is bike friendly with paved trails that connect the resort and town so we biked almost everywhere we went.

We rented a paddle boat to stroll around the lake. We even saw a deer right on the shoreline.

This is what Samuel really thought about the boat ride. I think this picture is hilarious. He and I got dropped off on shore shortly after this. The hot sun and gigantic life vest were a little much for him.

There were horses in a pasture near the resort. We picked up some carrots on a trip to the market just for them. I think it was Kate's favorite part about Idaho. That and the hunting video game she just happened to see at a pizza place we ate at. In the game a Moose got shot. She kept saying over and over "Bambi runs and runs and falls down" It was very traumatic.

Collin in some unfamiliar footwear-
We stopped outside of Pocatello, ID to visit Jake's sister Kir, Roger and their 6 kids, and of course tour the amazing new home. Kate loved having cousins to play with, as well as some chickens and a pony to pet. Jake and I appreciated having a break from the road and the delicious pork chops they made us for dinner.

Exploring the features of my new camera-
Wheww what a long trip. It has taken me all Sunday just to unpack us and get the laundry done. I feel like I need two days just to get things back together after our vacation!