Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Finally A Family Picture

We had some family picture taken on Sunday by a wonderful old friend who now has a little photography business in addition to her many other skills and endeavors. Sadly she lives in the Boise area, so most of my readers will not be able to benefit for her talent. But we sure did! We haven't really had a family picture taken (and I refuse to count JC Penny's) since Jake and I were married. Ridiculous. I kept intending too, but it was always such a hassle. When Amy said she would be in town this weekend, I couldn't pass up the chance. She made is easy, and made us look great- which is surprising seeing as how Kate was literally the worst most un photogentic child I have ever seen her be- errr. I am so excited about the pictures I have seen so far, and can't wait to share even more with you. I am so pleased so the least I can do is try to push a little business her way. If you live near Boise and are looking for some pictures here is her link http://photographybyamylynn.blogspot.com/.

Side note
I have always loved Jake's smile. Is it because I am vain and we have the exact same smile. In this picture I can't believe how much we look alike- especially in the mouth. HA!


amy + jeff said...

I just went and looked at them all, and I am JEALOUS. They all turned out great. You look gorgeous in the one of just you and Jake, and your colors/outfits worked out perfect too.

Natalie said...

Great family picture. We need to get some taken but I am not taking a family picture when I am pregnant. So I guess it is going to wait until next year. I hope things are going good... we really need to talk.

DC Diva said...

GREAT family pic!

Amy said...

Thanks, Crystal! I'm so happy you're pleased with them... I really had fun with you guys. Kate really wasn't that bad - but then again, maybe that's just because I have my own at home who I think is much worse!!!

Ming said...

Darling shot of all of you! You guys do look SO much alike, but I've been saying that for years. My theory is we are all narcissists at heart...have you noticed how many married couples look alike? We all just end up marrying versions of ourselves. haha Jeff & I have been asked if we are brother & sister many times.

Unknown said...

I hear that the longer you are married the more and more you look the same. Really great photos, but I expected as much from such a good looking family!