Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Favorite Children's Books

For a friend a few weeks ago as a shower gift I compiled what have been my kids favorite books. It was fun to think about the books they love. Some of the books Kate loves leave me wondering why for sure. While the kids and I were shopping for the gift (aside for trying not to laugh/ cry), I was reminded of my love for the bookstore. Though I usually order our books from Amazon, there is something so perfect about the bookstore on a cold fall evening.
I have always enjoyed books in my adulthood, but since I became a mother my love for books has certainly multiplied. I think my motherly love for books is actually three fold. I have stocked my bookshelves with everything from the "What to Expects" to the -how to sneak broccoli into your children's food -type of books. I have enjoyed reading them, and they have given me some confidence that I might in some way be capable of caring for another human being. Plus they area much better place to go for advice I have found than the "mother's I know" club. You get all kinds of crazy information for people you know.
Secondly, I have always read novels and autobiographies and enjoyed them. But now they are an escape into a world where I have a brain, and give me something more to talk about than the bowel movements of my children. Seriously it is sad how much mom's talk about that.
But third, and the reason that is best above all, is how much I love the magical moments laying in a toddler size bed turning pages for eager eyes. So far my intent to pass on a love for books has been successful.
Here is a list of the top ten Children's Books in our home.
1. Bright Animal Babies Board Book: Priddy
This book is simple, but Kate learned a lot of her first words out of this book.
2. Goodnight Gorrilla: Rathman
Liked much more than Goodnight Moon by our night time crew
3. Hand, Hand, Finger Thumb: Perkins
I think I loved this book when I was young too. Dum Ditty, Dum Ditty!!
4. What Makes a Rainbow:
The most durable pop up book we have ever encountered.
5. Brown Bear, Brown Bear: Carle
Anything by Eric Carle is a winner around here
6. Thumper Counts to Ten: Richards
This book looks like nothing speical, and I don't really get why Kate loves it still, but she has memorized it completely and will recite it when prompted without the book to even help her.
7. A Tree Named Steve: Zweibel
Okay, Kate just thought this book was alright, but it my favorite. It makes me cry- and I hate crying.
8. How do Dinosaurs...: Yolen
This whole series is lyrical, appealing to looks at and teaches manner... yes you heard me.
9. Eight Animales Out on the Town or Say Hola to Spanish; Elya
We love pretending like we are teaching our kids to be bilingual. This is the best Spanish vocab children's book we have found so far.
10. Heaven is Having You: Andreae
This was a bedtime request at our house for six months straight. Kate still loves it, especially when I do the actions I have made up with it.

With the holidays coming up there will be more books added to our children's library with out a doubt. What are some of your families favorite children's books?


Amy said...

Ooo... this post was perfectly timed for me! I was just going through our books and wondering about new ones to add. I think with both boys birthdays and Christmas just around the corner we'll have to add a few of your suggestions to our library!!

DawnTreader said...

Among others, I love Drummer Hoff, Dr. Desoto, Pest Fest, The Foot Book (& most other Dr. Seuss), Where the Wild Things Are, and Rosemary Welles' books. Also, I used to love Richard Scarry's books.

The Tomlinsons said...

What a great gift idea! I love children's books! (Luckily, I have a mother-in-law who taught Kindergarten for 19 years and in those years collected books for her future grandchildren. Therefore, my kids have around 500 books! Lucky us!)