Saturday, July 30, 2011

Baby's Room is Ready and So am I.

I've been putting off finishing the last few things in the baby's new nursery.
Maybe because if it is not done, than I will not feel as prepared, therefore not as disappointed that she is not here yet. But today I went and finished off the last few things. That really only included making my bed, (the twin bed we have in there for me to sleep on those first exhausting few weeks) and moving out the boxes of Sam's old clothes. I still would like to hang on the wall the canvas I painted pink and intend to put her footprints on, as well as the blessing dress I bought her on these cute door knobs I got. We will see.
The preperation for this little girl's coming as been more minimal than the other two kids. It mostly included a bottle of DREFT and and entire day and night of the washing machine going. I washed so many clothes, blankets, the swing, the car seat, the bassinet- so much washing and that is mostly it. I didn't even make her a quilt. Well I attempted to, but it turned out horrible and I refused to finish it.. I had originally planned to make her room orange and purple- the quilt material I had purchased- but when it didn't work out, she got several hues of pink left over from Kate's room and previous projects I'd made for others. She did get that sweet butterfly mobile that I made one afternoon as well as a matching shadow box, and a few new swaddling blankets. That made me feel a bit less like I was cheating her. In the end Jake pointed out I shouldn't feel bad, since she may not have the perfect nursery I spent hours creating, but she is the first child whose life we are not risking by sleeping her in an old hand me down crib. We finally broke down and bought a new crib, lucky girl. I did purchase two outfits for her, some new socks, new bottles and a new hat as well. But her closet is literally bursting with Kate's hand me downs as you can see. That picture of the closet is clothing to 12-18 months plus all the storage bins in the changing table. There are two totes full of clothes beyond that for future sizes. Seriously, I guess I didn't realize how much a kid gets in four years.
So now all we have to do is wait. I have bags packed, and am trying to maintain a clean house. We really have 14 more days. That seems so long when you can't move. But I guess and end is in sight. I can't wait to not be pregnant. Even more we can't wait to meet our new family member.


Unknown said...

I'm counting down with you, but I guess it will be longer till I meet your little one. SO excited for you- hang in there- you can do it- and I think her rooms looks lovely!

The Tomlinsons said...

It looks so cute! I think I have 3 times as many baby girl clothes as I do boy clothes, and I have two boys!!! Hang in there these last two weeks!

Meridith said...

Your nursery is adorable. I admire your stamina at this point in your pregnancy. So excited for you guys!

Ming said...

Everything looks great! I love the butterfly mobile...nice work. Hang in there...the end is in sight!