Monday, October 31, 2011
Halloween Festivities
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Costume Preview, Money and Little Marianne.
Sam wore his costume today too since Kate was sporting hers. He is superman. Nothing hard there, just a $15 pre made ready to wear costume from Wal-mart. He loves it though and runs around with his hands outstretched like he is flying saying"Superman saves the day"
And a picture of angel Marianne for good measure. Her huge cheeks, big eyes, and awesome hair, sweet smiles and lots of "goo goo-ing" from her lately. What is not to love?

The kids have been saving their money up for some time now. Once your kids know about money it is pretty awesome. After lunch everyday, and after dinner they have a few chores, but sometimes I offer them the option of doing more extra chores for 75 cents. Kate had saved $14, and Sam had $4. They decided it was time to cash in, so we went to the store. Kate picked out this tangled set, and still had $7 left over. Sam picked out a fire truck with buttons, even though he has like 6 fire trucks already. They were so pleased with their purchases.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
M is 2 months old
Crazy Stuff.
She is such a precious addition to the family.
All four of us just love her so much. She has had a little bit of a rough start, jaundice, low sugars, low birth weight, thrush, ear infection and strep throat all in her short life so far. But that hasn't stopped her for the most part, being a sweetheart and growing like crazy.
We love when she smiles at us and "goo's" at us most of all, and when she falls asleep in our arms.
She had her two month apt. yesterday.
Weight 11.6lbs 66% up from the 12%
Height 23.5in 88% up from 47%
Head 16 in 90% up from 82%
Perfect as can be.... well except for that ear infection she has had from birth, it is still there and didn't respond to the antibiotics. Hmmmm????? At least it is not currently bothering her.
That is some good growth. In fact our pediatrician joked she was the size of some 6 month olds.
Way to go Miss Sis!
But don't grow up to fast.
Pumpkin Patch Day
We ended the evening like every year, with burgers from JCW's. Marianne did so well. We were out for 5 hours, and she was mostly content, except when we left the restaurant to go the car. I think the cold just put her over the top and she was screaming up a storm after that.

For the record, Jake, Marianne and I were all here too. We just don't have any pictures.
For the record, Jake, Marianne and I were all here too. We just don't have any pictures.
I just am finding that three kids- including one strapped to my chest- is more than enough to keep track of when we go on outings. So I have been leaving my SLR at home and taking along an old point and shoot we have. The pictures are not as great, nor as numerous, but it works. Perhaps less pictures even gives me the opportunity to enjoy the activity a little more.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Sweet and sillly
my kids are extra awesome lately.
Like how they are perfect patients for the doctor.
Yesterday we went to the pediatrician to check their growth. With all the food allergies and digestive issues Sam and Kate have, and seeing how everyone in Kate's dance and preschool seem to tower over her, I thought it a good idea to get their growth checked in between their annual well checks..
I stay up at night with worry for their silly tummies that never seem to work just right.
Turns out they are doing alright. Perhaps I will sleep better now.... or find something else to worry about more likely.
Kate was 31 lbs 7% and 39 in 12%
Samuel was 28.5 lbs 31% and 36.5 in 48%
They are a little small, mostly Kate, but I guess she'll be just like me.
While at the doctors Sam repeated to me over and over again
"my daddy is my best friend" in his cute broken word voice. I loved it. The doctor had some comment about his ridiculously large vocabulary, but sentences like" daddy is my best friend" are better than any big words.
later that night during family prayer he said he was grateful for "Mariannd"
he is such a sweetheart.
Sam went upstairs and came back with this diaper box- ripped up. He was siting in it saying it was a digger tractor. It did after all have a working cardboard shovel. Kate and Sam sat in it until Kate decided she wanted it to be a bed for a baby. They fought, until she found another box and turned it into the craddle.
Sam is just making me laugh left and right.
Last night he was sitting on the potty, and then requested "spiderman panties"
he does not own or has never seen spiderman underwear, but I think Kate gave him the idea that he should want them.
He tells me this is a snake in a hole.
Kate arrived home just in time to make a masterpiece of her own. It is a dad hunting a bear like some kid at preschool told her about. Her dad does not hunt. She tells him he should. So she can get a bear claw like the boy at preschool. She tells me you can tell it is a dad in the picture because he has no hair. Ha!
Such sweet and silly kids!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
The Score
Kate: 0 Strep: 1
Sam: 0 Strep: 1
Marianne: 0 Strep: 1 with additional points for an ear infection.
At least I know the reason for the uncontrollable screaming from my baby for the last three days.
And that there is an end.
I thought it might just be the worst colic ever.
Thank goodness it is strep and an ear infection, it can be resolved with some antibiotics and we can return to just the normal level of colic. Babies are suppose to be protected from this sort of thing because of their mother's immunity if they are breast feeding. But that is only if their mother has some sort of immune system, and clearly if the past two months have taught us anything it is that I have absolutely no immune system.
Wal-mart didn't know what to do with all the prescriptions I just dropped off.
Really. It took them almost an hour to fill them.
That almost had me uncontrollably screaming.
And again the question.
Will we ever be healthy again?
And I thought I might actually get the laundry done this weekend.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Sunday Drive and Listen

The second reason, the fall colors.
There is something almost sacred to me about the roads that lead up the mountains on every side of the valley where we live, and where I spent many of my formative youth years.
Many times, whether by myself, or with one of my close friends, from the time I was 16, until, well still sometimes, I would make my way up the roads that wind up the mountains.
Usually when I needed a moment of clarity, time to think, or thirty minutes to communicate whether in my heart or out loud to my Heavenly Father. Sometimes it was planned, other times it was on my way to some where else I was suppose to be. Most often it was when I was confused or heart broken, trouble at home, or had a big decision to make. And some how the driving, the beauty, the quiet... and embarrassingly the EFY or Peter Breinholt music that was playing in my car, made the world alright.
Sometimes it was in the green spring or summer when I would admire the ponds and wild flowers.
But usually,
Usually it was in the fall.
The quilt like pattern of colors seen on the hills from the valley floor would call me up.
And it is without a doubt that a good portion of myself and my testimony was found driving the mountain roads distracted by gold trees and crisp air coming through my windows from ages 16-20.
Today as we listened to the prophets and apostles speak in that same environment, I found myself holding back tears, from the feeling driving the fall road still gives me.
Saturday Conference Kids
That 1st picture is so representative of the kids.
Sam is in love with Marianne. Kate thinks she is the star of the show at every moment, and Marianne does whatever..... as long as that whatever is not sleep.
This day Sam said to me "Mariand Special, Mariand Ours"
The 2nd is Marianne playing with a doll Kate gave her. She doesn't look amused.
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