Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Score

Kate: 0 Strep: 1
Sam: 0 Strep: 1
Marianne: 0 Strep: 1 with additional points for an ear infection.

At least I know the reason for the uncontrollable screaming from my baby for the last three days.
And that there is an end.
I thought it might just be the worst colic ever.
Thank goodness it is strep and an ear infection, it can be resolved with some antibiotics and we can return to just the normal level of colic. Babies are suppose to be protected from this sort of thing because of their mother's immunity if they are breast feeding. But that is only if their mother has some sort of immune system, and clearly if the past two months have taught us anything it is that I have absolutely no immune system.

Wal-mart didn't know what to do with all the prescriptions I just dropped off.
Really. It took them almost an hour to fill them.
That almost had me uncontrollably screaming.

And again the question.
Will we ever be healthy again?

And I thought I might actually get the laundry done this weekend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hang in there! my mom always tells me- "this too shall pass-"