Friday, November 2, 2012

November 2, 2012

We went to have an ultrasound today.  To see what the next member of our family will be.
It was early, but my OBGYN makes you wait until 22 weeks, and that just seems like so long, especially, well mostly, when I have a 5 year old and  a 3 year old that ask me what the new baby is every day.  If I accidentally call it a girl or a boy Kate will call me on it and say "you should just call it baby"
I had never "cheated" before.  And gone to a pay for a gender check ultrasound before the 22 weeks.   But usually I had a decent guess because I was so sick (with the girls) and not as much (with Sam).  This one has been somewhere in between so I couldn't be even somewhat certain.
We had never taken the kids to an ultrasound either.  But since it would be quick and we planned it a bit last minute, we let them all come.  So we piled in the car and drove down to Provo.
We all made guesses on the way down.  Jake, Crystal and Sam all guessed girl.  Kate guessed boy.  Her reasoning that it would of course be a pattern "girl boy girl..."nThen at the last minute Kate and Sam both changed their guess. Based on my pregnancy I would have likely leaned towards boy, but based on my own though and intuition, I would have said girl. We talked about name choices.  Kate's "lucy, sarah, lilly, porter, kyler"  Sams "leafy, mountain (he was just looking out the window making up stuff and of course), johnny- we don't have a johnny yet" he says.  Jake and I have a boy name we like- left over from Sam.  but we are flat out of girl names.

I've heard some strange stories about the ultrasound places- like the one at the mall with theater seating and sketchy techs.  But this place was excellent, and I would recommend it.  It was in the Physician's Plaza next to the IHC in Provo.  My tech was a kind mother herself and the ultrasound was done in a obgyn's office by their normal tech, who just takes patients not with the practice as well for additional fees.

It only took a minute.  She showed us a face.  Two eyes Two arms, Two legs.  And then explained she would do her best to get a gender for us (that was the whole reason we were there).  And she had a few different ways she would try to get a good look.  She started and  then said "nope 100%"  then wrote GIRL POWER on the screen.

There you go.
Three girls   One Sam.


Thinking this may be our last kid, we would have liked to give Sam a brother, but the idea of a gaggle of blonde haired girls all in a row sounds might cute too.  He will just have to be the brother they all adore.  We are already coming up with ideas for when we finish the basement on our new house, to include one giant girls room with  an enormous closet to hold all the Prom dresses and ballet costumes  and perhaps a triple vanity bath attached.

We finish the evening with dinner out and a trip to buy a booster seat for Sam.  We gave away our baby seat when we moved, it was technically expired I think.  So I've ordered a new baby seat.  Which means we currently own five car seats.  And will soon have four kids sitting in car seats in our car.  That is a load I tell ya.  Then went and walked around our house, which is now framed up.

Great day!


amy + jeff said...

I opened up this page and it said you had posted this 20 minutes ago. I was just thinking that I wanted to hear the whole story and her it is. I am super excited for you guys...and a bit overwhelmed for you too as I am still not profecient in managing my 3. and the house is framed! and the ski sale too! great day!

Ming said...

There must be something in the Freeman genes that makes all girls and one boy. At least for Dave and Jake that seems to be the pattern. :) We're excited for you guys to have another girl. You make such great ones!!