Tuesday, March 24, 2015

March 24, 2015

Little things, those kids I love, a glimpse in my mind....

1.  Marianne and Beth are such mothers.  Just now Beth found a purse downstairs.  She also found a walkie talkie she thought was a phone, so she put the phone in the purse and walked around.  Both girls have so many dolls and animals that they love.  They spend hours each caring for them.  They really do love them.  They make sure they are not lost, carry them in their arms, sleep with them, push them around in strollers.  They give them kisses and hugs.  Even little Beth brings  me her dolls and tells me to "hug" "kiss" them.  It is so sweet.  She knows that my hugs and kisses make her happy, and she wants to make the little animals she loves happy.  I love that they think being a mother is so much fun.  I love that they play mother most of their time, they watch me and replicate the things I do.

2. On Sunday I stayed home with the little girls who were sick.  Right before noon when the rest of the family was to return I was making some dinner. Beth and Mari had been watching a show in the living room, but then while I was making chicken I noticed Beth had wandered off.  Which wasn't a big deal.  She must have gone to her room or Mari's to get a stroller and doll like always.  But then I just thought I should go check.  Only a few minutes had passed.  As I was walking through the living room I heard a sound, it was in the den.  I went in there and found beth. She had climbed the entire ladder on the bookshelves and was now completely on top of the bookshelf 8.5 feet in the air, and she was stuck in the top and could get her head up.  She was in real trouble.  I hurried up the ladder and threw her over my shoulder  and fireman carried her down and returned to the ground and made sure the door to this office was shut.  When I recounted the story to everyone as we ate lunch a few minutes later Mari said "Mom you are basically a superhero!"    Good Stuff all around

3.  We took the kids to the Historic Wheeler Farms on Saturday morning.  It wasn't super interesting but the older kids are learning to just be happy.  Kate had a great attitude.  And was not afraid of any animal going right up to them all and petting them.  She was like the animal whisperer.  When we went to the playground she said to me "I'll play with Mari so she doesn't get hurt"  trying to be helpful and kind.  She historically wakes up at 6 am or so, but lately since her new room we have been having to wake her up in the morning.  I'm pretty sure she is staying up reading until 11pm every night because I find piles of books all over her room each morning.

4.Sam is such an angel boy lately.  He comes home from school at 11:30.  He'll do anything I ask him and usually with a great attitude.  He begs me to do  his homework.  He tells me how much he likes our special time together- but that might be because he often gets to play video games when the girls are taking a nap.  He is the only kid other than Beth (who is still learning talk)- who calls me mama.

5. I was really overwhelmed on Sunday.   Somehow after a YW meeting where I got tons of stuff to do, as I walked in the door to my house I got three texts from other people needing things from me or asking favors.  It made me overwhelmed and fall apart.  I complained to Jake.....
"Somehow in the next three weeks I have to throw three birthday parties- parities that have to be awesome because my kids literally talk about their birthdays the entire year and I don't have one present or idea .... an Easter, and a neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt, plan pack and go on a ten day vacation that is more than a third of these stressful three weeks which means I won't be home to get anything done,  and and and and and still finish the basement, get the house in order because it is destroyed despite the fact that after the kids went to bed on Saturday night I worked on chores for 5 hours, plan a million things for Young Women's that is somehow extending to three days a week lately instead of just Wednesday night, plan all of girls camp that is in 10 weeks- plan a baptism and luncheon,  take birthday pictures for Sam, Kate and Beth- oh and now I'm officially over a year behind with all their digital books which means I am officially four years behind because there are four of them and and and and and make a menu and grocery shop every three days  at four different stores because my kids are on special diets for their broken tummys so it takes me  and entire day to make it to all the stores and then two hours to make every meal completely form scratch, oh that reminds me I need to make appointments  for Kate and Beth at this Doctor and me and this other doctor and Marianne at a different doctor and get Kate's labs done and call to get that perscrtipion refilled  and read about that new medicine somebody mentioned to me on that forum that might work better, and make new chiropractic appointments for the girls.... oh that reminds me we totally didn't show up to our appointment last week because I forgot- I wonder if we will be charge for it anyways...and  and and and and and and and oh what is this in the mail that Jake finally got because I hadn't had a chance to get the mail in two weeks, now there is a birthday party we have to get a gift for, and a new $1200 in medical bills for the week, and our taxes still are not finished that our  accountant needs something else  for and and and and and and and and and and and and and ..."

I broke out in hives this week because the stress is getting to me.  I think it is stress induced- though it is possibly cleaner from the never ending cleaning session I've been rocking every night for hours trying to rid my house of croup and pink eye and ear infections that the one healthy child has been fighting and and and and and all I want to do is take a nap, play with my kids, eat donuts, and work in my garden.

Good thing I live with a hero.   After my ten minute rant He says "what can I do to help?"  When I yell back "help me clean the house!"  He understands, and makes the kids help put away the laundry that has been sitting on the living room floor for two days.  He says "don't do anything for my birthday -he is one of the birthdays- if that is stressing you out"  He already doesn't take a minute for himself, but he is willing to give up even his non-minutes to help me.   He says "go run to the grocery store while I do the dishes and get the kids ready for bed".  So I do.  When there are a million things on both our plates somehow I really feel like a team.   We make a decent team.

I forgot about secret tamales.  All I want to do is watch "The Walking Dead" tonight and eat the secret tamales that are in the freezer,  while sitting next to Jake because he is my hero.

Dang it I forgot to buy the secret tamales so we'll have to settle for the $5 a bag kids GF non GMO dairy free chips with the contraband salsa instead.

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