Sunday, September 20, 2015

Sept 11, 2015

I signed the two older girls up for Wasatch  Cheer Clinic.
These one week camps are so much fun.  They train with the high school cheer leaders for a few hours each day then at the end of the week they perform at half time for the high school football team.    The girls loved it, and talked about all the cheer girls and did the cheer at home so much that even Beth was saying it at the end of the week.

The night of the performance was Sept 11th, so it was a patriotic theme.  Sam lucked out and some good friends were sitting down the row from us and he wanted to sit with them and their boy his friend Jackson. Then some other good friends came and sat behind us and our girls all went and sat with them and their kids leaving Jake and I alone sitting at a high school football game.  Funny.
The girls did a wonderful job at the Dance and Sam was thrilled with the opportunity to sit with  a friend and watch a football game.  He basically plays football everyday in the front yard after school with his friend Rocco, and can throw a better spiral ball than I can.

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