Monday, November 16, 2015

October 24, 2015

On October 24th we were very artsy for the weekend.
First we had to finish creating all of our Halloween costumes.
Samuel was the first to pick his costume he wanted to be a vampire.
Marianne picked next at the store one day when she saw a unicorn hat.  She didn't want to even think about anything else so I let her but the hat.  That same day there was a Nemo Costume at the store Beth loved.  But I didn't buy it, because I thought I had a better idea of something she would like to be, like a  Minion or Anna from Frozen- two characters she talks about.  
When we returned to the same store several days later, just her and I. The minute we walked in she remembered that NEMO and started talking about it again.  So we went and got it off the rack, and I let her buy it.  She was SO excited.  Her saying "I be Nemo" for over a month, and dancing around trying on her costume several times before the actually Halloween, is my favorite memory for this Halloween.
Kate had very specific but vague requests.  She wanted to be a dark mysterious peacock lady?  She even found a very elaborate costume online for me to replicate.

  Well on Friday mid October I decided it was a no school hang out with Mom day.  All the kids and I ditched school and went to Utah County to perfect the last things for our costumes.  We found everything we needed in two or three stops and then got some lunch. 
I love letting the kids go crazy and meet their every expectation and wish for their Halloween Costume.  It is such a fun process for them to tell me what they want and for us to create it together.  

We had to get our Halloween costumes done because Kate had a piano recital where you are suppose to wear your costumes.  She played a few Halloween songs very well and continues to just love performing.  Wearing her regal peacock gown made her at the piano playing spooky music even cooler!  

Then we came home and worked on Kate and Sam's entries for the State Reflection contest.  Last year Sam took a picture and won the contest school, county, region and then finally the state.  It was all very exciting.  So Kate decided she wanted to take a photograph for her entry.  She had great plans for imagining Sam up as a mad scientist.  We turned the den into a scientists lab and took some pictures.    Sam also made an entry, he wrote an adorable illustrated story about a dragon who learned to be nice.  It took a lot of time helping them stay focused to do their work and finish their project.  But again, it was creating together and that is something I love.

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