Jake took Sam to his first father son camp out put on by the ward. At six months I would venture to say he may be the youngest child to ever attend. Okay so they didn't actually camp, they came home before it was time to go to sleep for the night so Sam didn't have to sleep in a tent on the ground. Apparently he loved it and laughed the whole time. Here the boys are ready to head out.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
1st Campout
Jake took Sam to his first father son camp out put on by the ward. At six months I would venture to say he may be the youngest child to ever attend. Okay so they didn't actually camp, they came home before it was time to go to sleep for the night so Sam didn't have to sleep in a tent on the ground. Apparently he loved it and laughed the whole time. Here the boys are ready to head out.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tart Pops
I saw these "Pie Pops" here this week, and was sure they would be making their way through my kitchen (and into my mouth) by weeks end. I was right. Knowing me that is no surprise. I am a little hung up on creating desserts that look beautiful in addition to be delicious. We shared a few over lunch then some neighbors became the lucky recipients of the rest of my Tart Pops. I like the stick idea, although I think in the end, cookie size pies are pleasant in and of themselves. Wouldn't they make a perfect treat for an end of summer party perhaps piled in a large pie plate....or maybe in individual foil cupcake wrappers to look like a metal pie tin. Nothing says summer like food on a stick!
Friday, August 21, 2009
6 months old
Looking good at 6 months. Here is his report.

Sam will be 6 months old on Sunday. This time caring for a newborn to 6 month old has gone much faster.
Attitude: Samuel is our happy guy, always smiling hardly ever crying. I always say I use to think Kate was a good baby but then I had Sam.... who is much better.
Appearance :He has lost some of his chunk- and looks older for it. He is wearing 12 month clothes for the most part still though and that is because he is so tall. I think he is the handsomest thing ever. He has both Jake and my dimples- just like Kate, tons of muscle and a strange long pinky toe! He does have hair, it is just hard to see because it is sooo blonde. And we are all in love with his sad eyes!
Appetite: He loves to eat. So far is he has had rice cereal and oatmeal, apricots, sweet potatoes, pears, plums, apples and bananas. So far his favorite thing seems to be the banana "milkshakes" Jake makes him- a combo of water, rice cereal, formula and bananas.
Activity: He loves to play. He laughs at anything. Loves watching Kate and loves when she brings him all his toys... and I mean all his toys. He has found his voice. Jake and I always say that we are in trouble because he seems to be "talking" more than Kate did at this age... and we can't get her to be quiet even for 3o seconds. She literally talks from sun up to sun down. If Sam follows suite (and he seems to be so far) we are in for one LOUD house.
He seems to be a slower "mover" than Kate was. He can't sit up for more than a few seconds at this point, and is still a week or more from crawling. He does love to scoot though and no blanket can contain him these days. He has scooted across the entire living room just to get a toy.
At Night: He is a sporadic sleeper. Most nights 4 hours is as long as he will go, but then he will sleep for seven maybe once a week.
Straight A's for Sam. Obviously we think he is an A+
update: Here are his growth stats
Weight: 17.11 50%
Height 27.5 " 75%
Head 18.5 95%
Sam will be 6 months old on Sunday. This time caring for a newborn to 6 month old has gone much faster.
Attitude: Samuel is our happy guy, always smiling hardly ever crying. I always say I use to think Kate was a good baby but then I had Sam.... who is much better.
Appearance :He has lost some of his chunk- and looks older for it. He is wearing 12 month clothes for the most part still though and that is because he is so tall. I think he is the handsomest thing ever. He has both Jake and my dimples- just like Kate, tons of muscle and a strange long pinky toe! He does have hair, it is just hard to see because it is sooo blonde. And we are all in love with his sad eyes!
Appetite: He loves to eat. So far is he has had rice cereal and oatmeal, apricots, sweet potatoes, pears, plums, apples and bananas. So far his favorite thing seems to be the banana "milkshakes" Jake makes him- a combo of water, rice cereal, formula and bananas.
Activity: He loves to play. He laughs at anything. Loves watching Kate and loves when she brings him all his toys... and I mean all his toys. He has found his voice. Jake and I always say that we are in trouble because he seems to be "talking" more than Kate did at this age... and we can't get her to be quiet even for 3o seconds. She literally talks from sun up to sun down. If Sam follows suite (and he seems to be so far) we are in for one LOUD house.
He seems to be a slower "mover" than Kate was. He can't sit up for more than a few seconds at this point, and is still a week or more from crawling. He does love to scoot though and no blanket can contain him these days. He has scooted across the entire living room just to get a toy.
At Night: He is a sporadic sleeper. Most nights 4 hours is as long as he will go, but then he will sleep for seven maybe once a week.
Straight A's for Sam. Obviously we think he is an A+
update: Here are his growth stats
Weight: 17.11 50%
Height 27.5 " 75%
Head 18.5 95%
See Kate Play
Clapping and calling the cat across the street to come and play.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Sewing things for the Entourage
The kids have been sick the last day or two. Stuck inside I cleaned out my sewing box yesterday. There were tons of treasures and projects awaiting that I had forgotten about. Sam and Kate were the benefactors of my finds.
Project 1: Sewing this tag blanket for Samuel. I started this when he was still in utero. I obviously had planned to have it complete more than 6 months ago. I have never made a blanket with silky tags before- seen it done though and gave it a try.
Project 2: Tie onesie. I have seen this idea all over the place lately. So I gave it a shot. I think I should have followed some directions, it doesn't look like the tie will hold up, but doing it gave me some great ideas of how I could make a different one out of one of Jake's old ties. Either way I am sure Sam will look like a stud in it.
Project 3: Kate and Samuel both got PJ pants. I had some nice gender neutral jungle print picked out but Kate didn't like it and wanted this balloon print. I told her we were going to make Pj's. She watched, with more excitement than I expected. Then when it was completed she wasn't too pleased. I think she thought I was going to make a hot air ballon.
Project 4: I made this doll for Kate out of scraps of old decorating material. She is loving it... which makes me hope it lasts a while.
You may ask "Crystal how do you get so much done in just one day's time?"... the answer you see below. Let your kids DESTROY the house. As you can see Kate has been "sewing" as well, meaning taking everything out of the sewing box and spreading it around the kitchen and living room.
I think I should go throug the sewing box more than once a year. Who knows what kind of goodies my kids will get.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Good Mom- Bad Mom
Yesterday we went to Provo to run some errands and then went out to eat. During dinner Kate starts throwing a tantrum refusing to eat and screaming "I want to go to temple" followed with "see Jesus, talk to him" over and over again. The fact that I could not control my two year old in a restaurant would normally indicate poor parenting on my part... but in this case I vote the content of her tantrum proves otherwise.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Worthy of a Laugh
First thing this morning the kids and I headed to the grocery store to pick up a few needed items. In front of us, and following a similar route through the aisles, just a random woman. She is in front of us again as we check out. I laugh to myself. I notice her crisp black slacks and wrinkle free button up shirt. I bet she doesn't even know what Spanx are let alone need them. She carries a matching handbag- no doubt chosen this morning to match her ensemble. The clacking of her pointed heels on the stores tile floor is the soothing oh so familiar sound of confidence. She is likely on her way to work. I bet she views herself as a busy woman. Pleased she fit her errand in before getting to work. She will cross it out of her day planner when she get to the office. In her cart, five or six items, ice cream, fruit, nothing for meal making. She probably eats all her weekend meals out with a significant other and at social get together, but only after she cleans her house Saturday morning -which takes all of thirty minutes.
I look at myself. My hair still wet from the shower. Cut off jeans and a t shirt, and flip flops that don't even match my clothing but were just the closest shoes to the door. I should have chosen shoes that could cover my horribly chipped toenail polish. In my cart (aside from two children) fruit, diapers, baby food, laundry soap, and an ingredient needed for tonight's dinner. I too am pleased that we made it to the store first thing in the morning, although I could easily fit the errand in anytime before two this afternoon. I don't even own a day planner anymore. My weekend plans include trying to get the lawn mowed... and maybe a nap. I am on a constant cycle of cleaning my house. I easily spend 90 minutes a day, but it still just meets my bare minimum standard for an appropriate looking household.
I don't usually compare myself to others- or at least I try not to. And of course I don't actual know this woman, but I think I once did. Standing near her this morning made me almost chuckle.... at myself. It is funny how much has changed in just three years. It seems like I barely left the work world. Now my feminine briefcase I use to pack for court is occasionally filled as a Sunday bag for little ones. No more important papers or case files, just left over fruit snacks and hand sanitizer. No in office ladders to climb, but we are clearly in no shortage of climbing around here.
I could compare the working me to the college me and likely find the same amount of what appear to be vast differences. Is it normal to change to much in so little time? Now that I have the life I always dreamed will the changing stop or at least slow down? In another three years will I run into a twenty something mother of two small children and have another laugh?
Of course there are things about this woman- or the woman I was three years ago, that I envy- but I am happy to accept sleepless nights because children are keeping me up than sleepless nights because I am stressed about work. I realize too that whatever I have lost in appearance or importance I have surely gained in heart. I am so grateful I could give up "Good Job" and getting things done, for " I love you mommy" and bed time stories.
I look at myself. My hair still wet from the shower. Cut off jeans and a t shirt, and flip flops that don't even match my clothing but were just the closest shoes to the door. I should have chosen shoes that could cover my horribly chipped toenail polish. In my cart (aside from two children) fruit, diapers, baby food, laundry soap, and an ingredient needed for tonight's dinner. I too am pleased that we made it to the store first thing in the morning, although I could easily fit the errand in anytime before two this afternoon. I don't even own a day planner anymore. My weekend plans include trying to get the lawn mowed... and maybe a nap. I am on a constant cycle of cleaning my house. I easily spend 90 minutes a day, but it still just meets my bare minimum standard for an appropriate looking household.
I don't usually compare myself to others- or at least I try not to. And of course I don't actual know this woman, but I think I once did. Standing near her this morning made me almost chuckle.... at myself. It is funny how much has changed in just three years. It seems like I barely left the work world. Now my feminine briefcase I use to pack for court is occasionally filled as a Sunday bag for little ones. No more important papers or case files, just left over fruit snacks and hand sanitizer. No in office ladders to climb, but we are clearly in no shortage of climbing around here.
I could compare the working me to the college me and likely find the same amount of what appear to be vast differences. Is it normal to change to much in so little time? Now that I have the life I always dreamed will the changing stop or at least slow down? In another three years will I run into a twenty something mother of two small children and have another laugh?
Of course there are things about this woman- or the woman I was three years ago, that I envy- but I am happy to accept sleepless nights because children are keeping me up than sleepless nights because I am stressed about work. I realize too that whatever I have lost in appearance or importance I have surely gained in heart. I am so grateful I could give up "Good Job" and getting things done, for " I love you mommy" and bed time stories.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Candid August
Family Zoo Trip
We let Kate ride the Merry- Go-Round. She took forever to decide what she wanted to ride and in the end decided on a ladybug.
One of the funniest things about our zoo trip would be Kate talking about it for days before (Reference the post last week) when Kate was asking me to see different animals at the zoo. Through out the week she got stuck on camels- talking about camels, asking about camels, wanting to see camels eating- I have no idea why camels. We spent two hours at the zoo and it looked like it was wrapping up. We hadn't seen any camels. Then we just happened upon them as we were walking out. Kate is still talking about them now. Good think or she may have been disapointed.
Friday, August 7, 2009
So I think they both Can Dance:
Who is this Evan and where did he get my husbands genes/ facial expressions/ personality?
Have you followed SYTYCD this season? I hadn't. I flipped it on on Wednesday for a minute. Did you know Jake's secret twin was one of the front runners? Did anyone else notice this resemblance between Evan from "So You Think You Can Dance?" and Jake, other than me.And why did you not point it out to me sooner? The sad eyes, the way he doesn't move his lips much when he speaks and uses his eyebrows for emphasis when he talks. Their sweetness/ confident shyness. I swear this is what Jake looked like when I met him. He contests this opinion I have formed. I was going to blog about this on Wednesday, then I let it go. But today a friend made the same observation out of the blue. So my opinion was validated. Watch this movie... see what you think... you agree with me don't you?... isn't it ridiculous?
Have you followed SYTYCD this season? I hadn't. I flipped it on on Wednesday for a minute. Did you know Jake's secret twin was one of the front runners? Did anyone else notice this resemblance between Evan from "So You Think You Can Dance?" and Jake, other than me.And why did you not point it out to me sooner? The sad eyes, the way he doesn't move his lips much when he speaks and uses his eyebrows for emphasis when he talks. Their sweetness/ confident shyness. I swear this is what Jake looked like when I met him. He contests this opinion I have formed. I was going to blog about this on Wednesday, then I let it go. But today a friend made the same observation out of the blue. So my opinion was validated. Watch this movie... see what you think... you agree with me don't you?... isn't it ridiculous?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Convo With Kate
These are two conversations Kate has had this morning.
Me: Would you like to go to the zoo on Saturday?
K: They have animals?
Me: Yes
K: They have an Owl?
Me: Yes
K: They have a giraffe?
Me: Yes
K: They have an elephant?
Me: Yes
K: They have a frog?
Me: Yes
K: Grammy has a frog too.
Me: You are right
K: We go to the zoo? Okay
I guess she only wants to see those four animals though
(Kate playing with Cola)
Kate to Cola: Come her pretty, come here sweety. (give her a ball). It is a ball. It is a present for you sister.
Me: Would you like to go to the zoo on Saturday?
K: They have animals?
Me: Yes
K: They have an Owl?
Me: Yes
K: They have a giraffe?
Me: Yes
K: They have an elephant?
Me: Yes
K: They have a frog?
Me: Yes
K: Grammy has a frog too.
Me: You are right
K: We go to the zoo? Okay
I guess she only wants to see those four animals though
(Kate playing with Cola)
Kate to Cola: Come her pretty, come here sweety. (give her a ball). It is a ball. It is a present for you sister.
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