Friday, August 7, 2009

So I think they both Can Dance:

Who is this Evan and where did he get my husbands genes/ facial expressions/ personality?
Have you followed SYTYCD this season? I hadn't. I flipped it on on Wednesday for a minute. Did you know Jake's secret twin was one of the front runners? Did anyone else notice this resemblance between Evan from "So You Think You Can Dance?" and Jake, other than me.And why did you not point it out to me sooner? The sad eyes, the way he doesn't move his lips much when he speaks and uses his eyebrows for emphasis when he talks. Their sweetness/ confident shyness. I swear this is what Jake looked like when I met him. He contests this opinion I have formed. I was going to blog about this on Wednesday, then I let it go. But today a friend made the same observation out of the blue. So my opinion was validated. Watch this movie... see what you think... you agree with me don't you?... isn't it ridiculous?

Don't let the goofy dancing moves throw you off. If you just watch the interview part. I wish I could find a picture of this Evan and a picture of Jake at 21 and put them side by side.... or put Jake's long blonde hair of his earlier years on a picture of Evan so I could really see the similarities.


DC Diva said...

I didn't think it on my own, but now that you point it out... YEAH!

amy + jeff said...

Agree...thier mannerism are so bad we weren't watching "jake" all season.

Unknown said...

haven't been following it, but now I have a reason to peak- (due to yucky internet connection can't watch the clip.)

The Kay Family said...

I haven't met Jake in person, but just from his pictures they look exactly the same - mostly in the puppy eyes!!

DeeAnn said...

the lip lick... and the eyebrows... haha :)

Ming said...

I totally watched the entire season of SYTYCD and always thought there was something strangely familiar about Evan, but never put it together until you said it. TOTALLY! You are 100% validated!!

DawnTreader said...

I've been saying all of this to Meridith since about midway through the season.