Saturday, December 12, 2009

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Just like her Mom- Kate enjoys some good hot chocolate. Of course he favorite part is the whip cream. If you look close you can still see some of the bruising on her forehead left from last weeks fall/ stitches incident. When we took her to get them out yesterday she was singing-"Going to the Doctors, Gonna get Kate's Head fixed" over and over again.

Jake's family always teases him he should come back to California so he doesn't have to shovel all the snow all winter. Little do they know who is really doing the shoveling. Okay so we actually don't make our two year old do the shoveling- but she has been joining me when I do each day. She likes to help, or eat snow off her mittens. This is a big improvement from years past when she would cry if her boots got snow on them.

Excuse the fact my child is wearing a tank top mid Dec.... she is very into re-dressing herself mid day without my assistance. Here she has added the Mr. Potato Head Santa parts to complete her ensemble.

Decorating the Christmas tree with Mom. Kate knew where the star went, and loved putting the ornaments on. We have quite the Charlie Brown Christmas tree. It is fake, and not even meant for christmas decorating, about 4 ft tall and sitting on the coffee table pushed the the side of the room so the kids don't knock it over and break the ornaments... again


julanders said...

Crystal, I just have to say that your kiddos are dolls! I think they are right up there on the top of the cuteness chart close to mine!!! :) Mine will always be the top but I think yours make a great second! So adorable!

Unknown said...

Oh wonderful december kid! (and for the record- I really miss shoveling snow myself)