Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Technology Trip
Don't you?
Why do I feel the need to make this declaration right now?
Because I am blogging from my car in the middle of no where... literally somewhere just north of Death Valley.
It is 1:00 in the morning. Jake is driving us to his parents. Usually when we road trip and the kids fall asleep I just get frustrated- there is no light to read by, and I can't sleep due to an over active worry gene that causes me to startle from an almost sleep at every brake, bump, or move that Jake makes as he drives. So I settle for listening to Tom Petty and eating Pringles.
Not tonight though.
Earlier I drove and Jake worked on this computer. Meaning we got to start earlier and will be in a bed by at the latest 2:30 am.
So far this is the greatest trip ever.
Ever since Jake started working exclusively from home about two months ago we have the internet wherever we go. He has officially out fitted himself to be internet capable almost all the time. With this net book- or at the very least his phone.
Which is why we can take a trip for more than a few days.
He can work anywhere now- so we can go anywhere now.
I pretty much love it.
I just checked your blog driving through Baker.
Jumped on facebook, did some online banking, looked at Olympic stats on Yahoo near Tahachapi.
Now I think I might watch the Bachelor episode I missed.
Yup. I pretty much love it.
If only I could upload a picture for you. It was a beautiful day for driving.
The state is so gorgeous. You should have seen the way the snow looked on the red mesas.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Sam-I-Am is One (well almost)
On Tuesday to be exact.
I wanted to celebrate him and this past year.
Maybe add some fun to keep me from crying that my son is not a baby anymore.
I set out to throw him a completely irrational over-the-top one year old birthday.
It started with the Cat that Sam fell in love with...
I had intended to make all the guests dress up like their favorite super hero, and adorn all the children in home made capes.
Then I thought about how much Sam loves this cat.
How easy it would be to make a party around it.
So that is what we did.
A rhyme to invite our family to come for the invitations.
A collection of stuff usually adoring the walls and shelves of Sam's room made for some great party atmosphere.
I often see on blogs amazing personalized party decor.
But I am not a photoshop pro.
I do own scissors, glue, lots of Dr. Seuss books and a color copier.
I think my new plan for children's parties is to base them around a book they like.
It made the planning of everything from the menu, the invitations, the decorations, all so easy to come up with.
It made for a moment of interesting dinner conversation.
What was for dinner?
Green Eggs and Ham of course!
But I didn't want to just serve my guests eggs.
I made these tiny quiches and added some blended parsley.
That didn't make them green enough so they got a drop of food coloring.
They turned out delicious.
I did not attempt to dye the ham though.
I made this cake last minute- very last minute.
I had made a beautiful five tier tall red and white cake to look like the hat, but it was a disaster.
First of all- it turns out that no matter how much red food coloring you add to frosting- it will only be dark pink.
I refused to serve my son a white and PINK cake.
I tried a few things to make it work, but it just because one huge, sticky pink, mess.
First I cried in frustration.
Then, I quickly made a new, simple cake.
Don't you love the party hat?
He liked the cake for long enough for me to get this picture.
I wanted her to feel important too on his day, and not be jealous, so she helped me pick out all the decorations, make things, and chose this puppy for him.
When we picked it out together she said "and he's gonna love it" and he did.
Maybe it can inch out the Cat-in-the-Hat.
Now he will be able to see what is happening!
My parents, my siblings and Grandma Elaine and Tom joined us for the festivities.
It was a lot of people for really just being my immediate family.
Here is our little family attempting to get a family shot.
We love you Sam. We really do!
There will be more concerning the 1 year anniversary of my son's birth to come after he is actually one.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010
Lovely Weekend.
Did you notice a balloon string in almost every picture? I told you they were a hit.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day.
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The kids are obsessed with computers. Maybe that is because their parents are. All kids are obsessed with computers. Maybe that is because all parents are. Sam is constantly touching the keyboard and mouse. Today he managed to open a word document and type that above. He means "Hope your Valentine's weekend is super sweet" he just hasn't learned to spell.
Speaking of the day of love. My old "Bungalow of Love"- the house that Jake and I bought right before we were married was featured on a before and after blog. Oh how we miss this house and all that is was for us. Which was perfect. At least it's memory lives on via this post. Check it out here. I feel pretty awesome about this because BetterAfter.blogspot.com is my new blog idol.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
"Wanna play trains?" "Lets make and tungle (tunnel or tounge?)"
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Remember when Kate got the FRIEND in the mail and promptly "read" it out loud to me page by page for over 30 minutes. That was hilarious... or how she refers to her rear end as her "button".