My little guy turned two yesterday.
Sniff. Sniff.
We postponed the real celebration of his birthday for today, with plans to go as a family to the pirate island in Orem, followed my cake and presents at home.
So as not to confuse or disappoint, we didn't even sing him Happy Birthday yesterday.
But that didn't mean I couldn't sneak in a little extra fun in where I could for the day.
This mostly included walking around the Kubota dealership for a good half an hour.
Which is like heaven to our two year old.
But if you have seen him in the last two months you already new that.
Since he says the word "tractor" at minimum of 15 times an hour.
He points them out when we are driving. He asks to go see them and gets his coat. He begs rides off his grandfathers every time he sees either of them. He plays with several tractors all day, and sleeps with at least two each night. I've been told he fights the other kids in nursery for the only tractor toy. He requests Bob the Builder- a cartoon with tractors in it
It is kind of his thing. His only love.
A complete tractor party with tractor cake is in store for him this evening.
When I asked him if he wanted to go see some tractors yesterday, he repeatedly threw both fist in the air cheering "tractor, tractor, tractor".
It was a delightful mommy/ son date with my sweetheart.

The past two years with Sam have been such sweet years.
Here is Sam one minute old.
I remember when my water broke at midnight, Jake was sleeping and all I had to do was poke him, and he knew exactly that that mild poke meant "my water broke, get up and help me get to the hospital now".
I remember that we had been worried based on ultra sounds that his kidneys might now work, and that he might have to be operated on him within his first few days of life. But before they could even weigh him, he peed all over two nurses, and instantly we knew his kidneys were working just fine. It was funny, and made us laugh with relief. Had they got him on the table before this he would have likely weighed in at more than 8lbs 2 oz.
I remember the minute I delivered him I knew he was a big guy, only at his 1st appointment would the pediatrician say he had never seen a baby that was so muscular- or with such perfect head shape.
I remember when he was born, and I was pushing, that I wanted Jake to tell me what was going on, I wanted some narration from his end. I asked during my second push "tell me what is going on" and Jake said "don't talk, just push, he's here"
I remember I instantly loved him to pieces and never wanted to stop cuddling him.
I was sure I had known this precious child before that minute.
When we debated and debated over what to name him, in the end Jake decided be better call our "Buddy" Samuel. It was not his favorite name but it was mine, and he knew about the little blond haired toddler named Samuel I had seen in my dreams at night playing with his dad on the front lawn that had comforted me during a rough time. And Jake knew if we didn't name this son Samuel, I might feel like there was another blond haired boy named Samuel still. So he got the name, and it suits him well.

Sam one week old
We use to call Sam- Serious Sam or Sad Sam because he always had this grumpy face.
When he was born he cried for like twenty minutes.
We were unsure of what kind of disposition our new little guy might have.
What a pleasant surprise it has been that he is the happiest guy ever, always smiling, easy to make giggle and tons of fun. He just hadn't figured out how to smile yet.

Growing up to be the cutest boy ever.

One year old. This seems like yesterday, how did an entire year already pass again.

Sam has brought a lot of balance to our home.
Not only did he even the genders 2 to 2. And the adult to children ratio.
His peaceful, fun, happy self makes him a lot like his dad.
They are perfect compliments to the busy, feisty Kate and I.
As a mother one of my favorite things about this guy is how lovable he is.
He has always been his mama's boy.
He has always liked to cuddle with me. For the first four months of his life I slept in a bed in his room, with him by my side. Sometimes when he has been sick we sleep side by side again.
When somebody is hurt, even if it is because he hurt them, he furrows his brow and frowns a sympathetic face and pats them on the head. This is a learned behavior, because when he get hurts, no matter where he is, he searches the house to find me. I give him a sad face and a little pat on the back and then he goes on his way.
If ever I am sitting on the couch, he wants to sit in my lap and cuddle under the "bankie" with me. He leans his head on my shoulder and never gets up.
He hates when he has to leave, or somebody has to leave, but as long as he gets to say goodbye he won't cry. When he can't have something and we take it away he gets upset, we tell him to say goodbye, and he does, and then is happy again.
Sam is loved by everyone. I think it has a lot to do with always being so happy.
And how cute he is.
He is cute like a lot of little boys are cute.
But his dimpled smile and down turned eyes seem to just make you want to kiss him like crazy.
Sometimes we he smiles a real big "cheese" it seems as though the corners of his smiling mouth run into all four of his dimples and touch the corners of his down turned eyes and make a circle on his face. It is hard not to smile at this face.... or not to cry you are so full of love for him.
He is a giggly guy.
He teases, and wrestles and laughs and giggles some more.
He loves to play.
His giggles have filled out house. I remember when he was about 9 months old he started laughing at everything. We could make him laugh just by raising our eyebrows. I decided it was my favorite age- because of the laughing. But the laughing has not stopped. Just a look can still send him giggling and rolling on the floor.
What a fun two years our Sam has brought us!
We love our lovable Sam!