Kate turns 4 today.
We decided to celebrate yesterday.
It was one of the best days ever. She woke up in the morning and didn't seem to remember a thing about the midnight meltdown over picking the wrong theme for her birthday. Thank goodness. It would have broken my heart. At 9:30 am she was ready to get the party started. Why not? I asked her if she wanted to help me get things ready for the party or surprise her like we did Dad and Sam. She wanted to help of course. She knows how to get ready for a party and instructed me on what we needed to do. I gave her the box of party supplies and she got to work. She hung Strawberry Shortcake decals all over the walls and windows in the kitchen. Next it was time to hang streamers. In between some of the decorating I would tell her and Sam we needed to pick something up (so there would be room for opening presents) it worked really well and soon we had the house decorated and clean. We had balloons to blow up and spread all over the living room, party plates to set, and of course she had to decorate her cake some more too.
When everything was ready and to her standards she asked if it was time for the party.
Sure Kate.
We told Dad at 10:30 in the morning that he had to come home from work because it was time for the party, presents and cake. It was just the four of us for this part of the day after all.
She picked to open presents first.
Well who wouldn't. especially when she saw the pile we had for her.

Kate got way to many presents. Way to many.
I knew this was going to be the case. She just hadn't thought of anything she really wanted, and me wanting her to be delighted, just kept picking stuff out.
From Jake and Sam and I alone she recieved a a talking princess song book, an Ariel purse, a Strawberry Shortcake book, a new train set, a talking Kai Lan doll, a Disney shirt, and her favorite thing- a Barbie laptop with games like mom and dad's phones to play.

This cake Kate picked out at the store. Then she added more pink and green sprinkles, candles, and some strawberry shortcake figurines.

Showing us how old she is.

This girl is beautiful! I love how happy she is
.The party was a success. Kate was 100% pleased with everything and loved all the specialness of the day. In the car later she was singing "it is my special day, its my special day, it my birthday today, its my special day" and also started singing Happy Birthday to herself. She smiled a hug smile the entire day.

When Kate started seriously talking about birthday plans the day after Sam's birthday we happen to be driving in Utah County and passed this jumping place. We had been there a time or two before. She decided that it was what she wanted to do for her birthday. She also decided that she wanted to invite her friends. Somehow she learned that some kids have parties with friends. Though I am not ready to let her invite all her friends over for a birthday party, we decided we could take three friends to Jump On It with us. She choose to take Johnny, Emilee and Kaylie. When it was time to get ready she put on her new shirt saying she wanted all her friends to see it. Then we filled our car with car seats and boosters, turned on Aristocats, and traveled with 4 kids under 4 down to Utah County. Kaylie and her Mom and sister were able to meet us there.

This is Kate friend Emilee. She talks about Emilee constantly. Calls her "my best friend Emilee". I don't know where she learns stuff like "best friend" They sure have fun together too.

Attempting to get a group shot.

Sam followed Kate's friend John around most the time throwing balls and calling his name to play.

This is one of my favorite pictures of the day. Kate really let loose, and had a crazy fun birthday.

She ended up at home with more loot.
A Tinkerbell coloring set, a paper dolls set, a tutu and hairband, tons of strawberry shortcake figurines and playhouse, and this gigantic lolipop from her friends.
Then Grandma and Grandpa Anderson came over to deliver birthday presents. Two barbies and some snap blocks.
We went to Arby's for dinner. Partially because the day had been long and also because I know Kate likes their food. Sure enough as we pulled in the parking lot she says " MMMMMM I love this place cuz they have turkey"
After dinner she got to take her birthday money from Grandma and Grandpa Freeman and pick something out at the store. She literally walked up and down the aisles of toys for 35 minutes trying to pick something. She kept saying she "wanted something really different". She ended up picking out a classic motorized fishing game, and big pink glittery ball and lots of gum. She took it to the counter and handed the lady her money and said "here is your money" She got some change back and happily put it in her piggy bank when she returned home. It was her 1st experience using money to buy something and she liked it.
We spent the rest of the night playing with the fishing game as a family.
Kate happily packed her tons of toys up to her room, sleeping with a variety of them at the end of the night.. We eventually had to tell her to put everything away and go to sleep.
It was the best day.
Seriously, I would rather have it be one of my kids birthdays than my own.
It makes me so happy to make them so happy.
It was any 4 year olds dream day.
Happy Birthday Kate!