Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Day in the LIfe- Full Circle

I woke up this morning to two children at my bedside wide eyed at 6:30 asking
"Where is Jacob?"
Their father they mean. Who do they think they are? Adults?

I was out. I mean out. I wonder how long they have been bouncing around the house, or playing in their room.

I tell them "Jacob" went to play basketball and pull them into the bed with me.

I usually only see the hours before 7:00 in short snippets of time when I am up to use the bathroom, or working out leg cramps. Not for my permanent up time. Not when I am pregnant. Not when I have a saint for a spouse. Which I do.

So silly me, I got each child a strawberry pop tart, some juice and put on Super Why on the tv in our room. I did it so I could just lay there for 20 more minutes, and sneak in a shower.

I gave breakfast to the kids in our bed, knowing they were going to get pop tart crumbs all in our bed. Knowing that would mean I would have to wash our bedding before we went to sleep that night. Knowing that I would have to feed them real breakfast later. Knowing that sounds like really poor parenting.

I didn't care at 6:30.
I didn't care until I took the bedding downstairs and saw the other four loads of laundry already down there.

The rest of our day was mostly typical aside from my extra grumpiness from being tired and sick.
It included
Getting kids out of the kiddie pool who had jumped in with their clothes on.
Coaxing children into pooping.. TMI I know but that is the life we lead.
Replanting all the onions, because Kate and Sam dug them up and ate all the greens. (that is what I get for feeding them pop tarts for breakfast)
They managed the "gardening" which I attempted to do some of our business accounting- which I did finish though it took until lunch. And while I tried to work, I was clearly intolerant of the children, because when I asked Kate why she was not listening she told me it was because I was "not being so nice".
Gave the kids room a cleaning, put away a load or two or laundry.
After lunch I got Sam down for a nap, and then had Kate agree to do some chores for computer time. I actually didn't really have any chores for her, but my made up chores kept her occupied while I finished up some baby shower invites for a sister in law coming up.
I served the children Arby's for dinner. Sometimes that is just how we make it through the day.
Made it to two different church meetings, organized my stuff for mutual tomorrow, put the kids to bed and finally managed to show up as a good mom for the day with extra stories and like twenty songs.

And the day was done.
I hauled the laundry up the stairs a few minutes ago.
Pulled the sheets and pillow cases out and re made the bed.
Sat down with my laptop and turned on the tv. This is how I wait for Jake to come to bed. He always has work stuff to wrap up for a few minutes, and feeds the dog and locks the doors.

I looked to the side of the bed.
There sat half a strawberry pop tart.
And despite the fact it has been sitting their all day, or that some two year old ate half of it, or that I was in bed. The bed I just washed and re made because of pop tart crumbs.
I ate that half of a strawberry pop tart.

I was hungry after all. And it had been a long day.
And I laughed.
At myself, and the pop tart, and the circle of events for the day.

I thought it might make other moms laugh too.
So there.


Lindsay said...

This is hilarious. I read it about 20 minutes ago and I'm still chuckling over the image of you, big and pregnant, eating a day-old, half eaten pop tart that has been on the floor all day. :) You're awesome!

Crystal said...

So glad.
And for the record, it wasn't on the ground, it was on a bedside table. Does that make it a little less gross? Please say yes.

LaCee Clayburn said...

I love reading these posts :o), they make my day, you're awesome :o).

Polliwog said...

Classic. Loved this post; thanks for sharing