Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Dec 24, 2012

Christmas Eve Day was mostly a lot of getting ready.  Despite me telling the kids we had to do some chores and such to get ready for Christmas Day, they were mostly unhelpful resulting in one exhausted mother.  We took a mid day break to make Christmas cookies.  The kids thought it was the best thing ever.  Especially Marianne.  She was the happiest I've seen her in some time- which is saying a lot since she is always a happy girl.  Watching her delighted in the cookie making may be my favorite Christmas moment.  We let the kids shop for one another also that afteroon, decorate the table for a special Christmas even dinner.    Then we read the Christmas Nativity story all cuddled on the couch. Then it was baths and pj's.  Next we gave the children an early gift- two books each I found with their names as the main character- another tradition. Then we sang to see if an elf would bring us an early gift- our family tradition.  and of course he snuck us a family game to play together. HISS- a snake color matching game that was a big hit.  It was super fun, and I was so proud of our competitive Kate, who in the Christmas spirit did not even get upset when she didn't win.  We played for a long time. Then put out our cookies and reindeer food for Santa to find and it was off to bed.  The kids went down in minutes leaving Jake and I so assemble and set up Christmas while eating Christmas cookies and watching Christmas movies.

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