Monday, February 25, 2013

February 23, 2013

He is four- see him telling me with his fingers!

I'm very broken up that I will no longer be living with a three year old boy.  Because he has officially turned four.  Sam has loved his birthday!  Loved it.  And nothing makes me happier than my children being happy, especially on their own special day.

A little bit about Sam at age Four.

Height:  37.25 inches  3%
Weight: 32.8lbs  22%

It has been a busy year for our family and for Sam, and he has taken it all in stride.  He started the year with lots of tummy problems, and he was such a trooper, allowing lots of tests, spending time at the doctors and obeying his mother always asking "does this have sugar in it?"  because he knew he couldn't eat it.  Sometimes he still asks even though he is allowed sugar now out of habbit.  He made the moves without much trouble and has been so very helpful to me while I've been sick and pregnant.  He also mostly got over his obsession with only wearing certain kinds of clothes and rarely throws fits when getting dressed.  He spends a lot of time alone with me while Kate is at school and M is taking her nap, and we love it.  We cuddle up and look up stuff on the computer, practice letters, or watch movies or run errands just the two of us.  This fall we planted some bulbs in a planter together and he remembers the project all the time and reminds me or asks me about our flowers, that just the two of us did.  Sam loves projects and because he does he gets a lot of special alone time with Dad too.  He loves getting his tools he got for Christmas out to help Dad build shelves, hang something or work on the car.  He really is our helpful guy.

The biggest milestone he made this year was completing potty training in the early fall.  He also learned to ride a bike without training wheels in the fall too.  He has started to learn to read and come a very long way in school knowledge like letters, numbers, shapes.  He has learned so much this year.  Another milestone of course was going to Primary.  Sam is a sunbeam!  We love hearing about what he learns.  Sam has always had a special spirit but as he becomes more vocal we become more aware of it.  He is always asking questions that surprise us about heaven and Jesus.  He always has such sweet prayers, thanking Heavenly Father for Jesus, asking for blessings for others, and often just telling Heavenly Father something from his day, the other day in a prayer he added "and I am turning 4 soon."  I love when he tells his Heavenly Father what is going on and on his mind.

Sam is a really good sibling too.  Although he and Marianne annoy each other sometimes, he can be really sweet.  Just today at the store he kept seeing things he though she would like and asking if we could get something for her.  Of course Sam and Kate still play all the time as well and Sam is happy to have Kate direct him in the play.  He has been mostly good about letting her play with all the Legos he got for his birthday.

Sam is a planner and a worker.  He is constantly... and I mean constantly talking about when he grows up and what he wants to do.  He wants to be a worker (builder he means) and tow truck driver, a regular truck driver, a fireman and a farmer, and sometimes a pilot too.  He is always telling us about the apples he will grow on his farm, the dog he will have as a fireman and the truck he will drive as a worker.He likes a lot of tractors and vehicle but excavators have quickly made it to his favorite of all time.  A truck is not a truck to Sam, he can name you about 12 different kinds of trucks and tractors.  Just yesterday he told us he might just drive his tractor in the sky and scoop up the moon and put it in our backyard.  Just today he told me about how when he is a worker with a wife he is going to scoop all the pirates and throw them in the dump. He often includes his parents, siblings, grandparents and friends in his future plans.

Sam is usually also the first person to wake up each morning.  He comes in my room, finds a pillow I keep for him beside my bed and lays down, but never without asking "can I sleep here mom?"  When I say yes, he usually catches a few minutes of sleep on the floor beside my bed.  He spends as much of day driving vehicles around the living room and kitchen as doing anything else. And sometimes when I really look at Sam like when he fell asleep on my lap at church a few weeks ago, I can't believe how handsome and adorable he is.

Sam always says " I know that"  all the time in response to everything.  and "awesome!"
Sam's fav. color is" Blue"
Sam's fav food is "hamburgers and Samwiches and hotdogs and eggs"
Sam's fav toy  is his new transformer he says
Sam's fav thing to do is "projects with Mom" and "work with Dad"
Also he thinks his name is Samurai.  Mostly because we always just call him Sam.  And he knows he has a longer name.  But he often forgets Samuel and thinks Samurai (another nickname) is his real name.

Sam is an incredible boy.  Although I don't want him to grow up one more day, I can't wait to see all  that he becomes.  He is such a great combination of sweetness and boyness, helpful and spiritual, obedient and fun. He is all that I could have ever dreamed up in a son.

Happy Birthday Sam.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

This is so beautiful. Happy Birthday, Sam...