Monday, March 7, 2016

December 30, 2015

The next to last day of the year we spent together as as family.  We decided to go together to dinner at Rodizio's Grill.  We had a gift certificate there and the kids had never been.  Plus meat is mostly gluten free so it seemed like a big win.  And it was.  We went to the one a Trolley Square in Salt Lake.  The kids thought it was so fancy, especially because there were trays of fancy desserts all around.  We got everyone the buffet and meat.  So first the kids went to the salad bar and picked out tons of fruit and salads and pastas and they thought it was so fun to pick whatever they wanted. Then the waiters started coming around with meat on skewers and the kids got to turn the knob thing they give you if you want them to stop.  Then they got to take their tongs and get the meat from the server.  They all thought it was pretty cool, and like I said super fancy.  Then since we had seen the fancy deserts coming in and the kids had thought they were beautiful we let them get dessert. I don't believe our kids have ever eaten so much and they usually eat a lot so that is saying something.  The kids buffet is only $5, and they each ate two or three regular size steaks.  It was kind of hilarious.  and mostly just because of all the hype they thought it was.  These kind of Brazilian meat grills have worn off on me, but bringing the kids made it very fun again.  We were at the restaurant eating for like 1.5 hours.  it was crazy.  And I think will be another tradition before going to see the lights because it was so much fun!

Leaving the restaurant we headed out to see the temple lights.  We didn't make it before Christmas but a few days after and it was almost better because nobody was there.  We watched the nativity and saw the lights, but the kids were mostly interested in the visitors center. So we saw the Christus statue, watched a movie about the nativity, and looked at a display about prophets through out time.  We were not there too long but walking hand in hand with my adorable family made me feel so blessed.

It has been a really difficult year 2015 for us.   The kids health issues and just the fact that all the kids had a chronic health issues had me really down.  On top of that both of us have struggled to enjoy our new ward and callings still.  And mostly our business has been unsuccessful.  We have had to live off our savings for more than half of the months of the year- which has never happened more than for maybe one month of a year previously.  Thankfully profitable years in the past made it possible for us to sustain ourselves from our savings without changing much most of the year, but the worry of what was to come, and the frustration of Jake working so hard, and so often, and me home with the kids and the house on my own for most of the year to have no results became more and more difficult as the year went on.  The fact we could celebrate Christmas with our family, in the way we hoped, in our home, without having to have made any large and difficult life changes was a huge blessing.
We are both grateful for 2015 to be behind us.  It seems like the fastest year we've had and in many ways that is good because it was so difficult, but it is sad to have another year pass and know the children are growing older too quickly.  Good things are already coming to our family and 2016 is looking up before it has even begun.  But we pray another 2015 if not in our near future.

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