Tuesday, July 29, 2014

July 24, 2014

1.  Cute Bethany eating cereal on the couch.  Sometimes this girl won't eat anything.  And something she eats all day long.  She refuses to eat bread though.  And throws a tantrum when we try to get her to eat a piece of sacrament bread.  It is sad and hilarious, and we don't have any solutions.

2. We had a low key 24th of July. Jake worked during the day and the kids and I tried to coll off in the kid pool.  Except that we discovered it had a crack in it.  But whatever we still had fun.  Nothing beats a cute baby with chubby legs in the water.  Sometimes I see pictures of Marianne in that ariel swim suit with her long blonde hair I think she is Kate.  How is she already that big.

And perhaps you noticed that Beth's hair is some how more red.   It is true.  I was worried the sun would bleach it out like all the kids, but it seems to have turned her into a real carrot top.  Everywhere we go, in every store, at every park, somebody has something to say about my red head baby, the other day a friend ran up to me at a party exclaiming "is her hair even MORE red?!" and I loved it.

1 comment:

lilybit said...

Yes, that is my first comment as well- look at that red hair! What a beauty! I also see a nice mud room back there.