Our little baby boy is here!
After much deliberation he was named Samuel Jacob Freeman
Born Feb 23, 2009 at 9:46 am
8.2 lbs 20 inches long
Perfect as can be!
More details.....
For a couple of weeks I had been having contractions. They usually started up around 7:00 in the evening and would slow down around 10:00 pm. Last Thursday they started around 4:00 pm and continued and got stronger, when they had been about 3-4 minutes apart for about two hours, this was around midnight we headed to the hospital, only to be told to go home that we were not close. I was sure they were wrong since this was not the first time I was going through labor and I thought I knew what to expect. But we headed home and I was able to fall asleep and my contractions eventually went away around 4:00 in the morning. I continued to have contractions all weekend, but not consistent really. Sunday was a slower day in that department. We went to church, dinner at my parents and then came home and went to bed around 11:00. At around 12:30 I woke up, my water had broken. I poked Jake and we hurried to get things ready to go. It really was one of the only days I haven't made sure everything was packed before we headed to bed, mostly because I had not gone to bed having contractions. My mom came over to watch Kate and we left for American Fork. Still only having slow contractions.
We arrived at the hospital around 1:30 or so. My contractions were starting to get stronger by now but still not consistent at all. So far this labor was completely not like Kate's. First of all my water broke which was a whole new experience, and with Kate my contractions were perfectly spaced and measured. I felt like a first time mother. I kept distracted with foot rubs and eating ice until around 4:30 am when I asked for my epidural. Things went a little slowly for some time so they added some pitocin and I got to an 8 quickly, so then the pitocin was stopped. A nurse came back to check me 30 minutes later and said " oh you are having a baby now". She grabbed other nurses and Dr. Ollerton and everyone was rushing around. At my next contraction I pushed for about two or three minutes and he was out. It was amazing how fast it went. Almost too fast to experience it. He cried for a little while, but was happily in my arms soon.
We stayed at the hospital until this afternoon. We were there less time than with Kate, but it was such great time. Maybe because he was born in the morning, or maybe because he is such a good eater, or maybe because I am less anxious and worried, but we were able to rest and the whole time at the hospital seemed leisurely. We were able to nap both days for two hours and got several hours of sleep at night. I felt ready to go home before even 24 hours was up but we had to wait a little while for some tests and things. I am doing really well, up and about, happy to be back home and with Kate. Samuel is a sleepy kid who is great at eating and we couldn't be happier. Kate is excited about the new baby and likes to help with him and hold him for a minute, but she threw a major tantrum this evening when she had to go to bed. It will be interesting to see how things go the next day or so as we adjust.
We feel so blessed so have a beautiful family of four all healthy and happy home together!
Congratulations on your new little guy. He is beautiful and the family looks to great together. Enjoy!
He looks PERFECT! And you look great too. I'm glad everything went well. Congratulations!!
I would keep him if I were you. Oh, you probably were anyway right? he he. We have all decided that he is as close to perfect as a little boy can get. can't wait to meet him. Kate is cute with him. Crys, you look great, glad you are feeling well. Love the name choice.
congrats, congrats! he's so cute!! Great pictures!
What a handsome little guy, and you did good on the name too. Congratulations!! It makes me more excited to see our little guy in the next couple of weeks. I'm glad you are home now and feeling well. I'm so happy for you!
congratulations! he's such a handsome little guy! i'm so glad that there were no complications and he got here safely!
He looks so cute! Congradulations. Can't wait to meet him, glad he's doing well and you are too.
You all look so good! Congratulations! I can't imagine a drive through the canyon to American Fork AFTER having your water break! But I do love the American Fork Hospital.
I am dying here because I want to see this little man of yours so badly. He is adorable, Kate is adorable, and you look fabulous. I am so glad you are feeling so well, and I am in love with his name. Love you all
Hurray for you all! He's really cute and Kate looks like she's ready to take this big sister roll seriously! Glad to hear everything went well. Best of luck to you all!!
Hurray for you all! He's really cute and Kate looks like she's ready to take this big sister roll seriously! Glad to hear everything went well. Best of luck to you all!!
He is beautiful you guys! Seriously so perfect looking...not mashed or bruised or anything. So cute! Love the family picture. This seriously makes me want another one. Love it. Love you guys!! Can't wait to meet the little guy. We'll be in Utah in June for Mays' wedding, so I'm sure we'll meet him then. Oh, and LOVE the name. If Samuel wasn't already used in my family I'd use it for sure. Love it! Samuel Jacob sounds so great together too. Oh, I'm just so excited for you both! Congratulations!!!
There's not much more to add to your litany of well-wishes, but we want in too! He is super smashing handsome and you all look great. And happy. We are excited to have a new nephew and will meet him in June. Yikes, he'll already be 3 months old! You'd better post lots of pics between now and then.
Congratulations! We are so excited to see he finally made it. He is a beautiful baby and has a great big sister.
Congrats you guys on the new addition to your family!! Having two is not so bad.
Congratulations! He is adorable! I am so happy to hear that everything went well, besides the continuous labor... :-) Crazy how different one birth can be from the next! Good luck with Kate and tantrums...it is hard to see your first baby go through such a hard time when baby #2 comes along. If I figure out a trick I will let you know. At any rate it is wonderful!
He is so cute! Can't wait to see him in person. We will stop in on Friday and bring dinner.
Congratulations! He looks perfect and you do too!
Congrats...beautiful little guy!
Yay! I'm so happy for you! Having a 2nd little one is certainly a new and great experience. It took Tanya about 2 weeks before she got back into her bed time routine. We are still trying to feel "normal" during the day. You look great, by the way!
Congrats! It is so exciting that he is here. He is so beautiful.
Congratulations! She is such a good looking little boy. Your family is so adorable. I'm glad everything went well. We're so happy for you.
Congratulations! Adorable little family (you are complete now:)
Congrats! He looks so sweet. What a big boy. I hope Kate doesn't throw too many more tantrums...having a new sibling is a hard adjustment. Just ask Callie.lol. Congrats Again, I like the name!
I am glad that your labor went so well and that you are all doing great! He is very cute and has such a perfect little face. Congrats!
Congrats on the arrival of your little man! I'm so glad all went well and you're all doing great. His birth sounded really similar to my Logan's birth.
He is so beautiful! Reading your story about labor and about Kate reminds me so much of when Joey was born and Ruby was 2. Such a similar story. For me the second baby was just amazing because, like you said, for mulitple reasons whatever they were--I just felt less anxious, things went so smoothly, he was such a good baby, and I was so in love with him. I wish you the very best!
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