As you can see since my first pregnancy when my hair started going brown my hair has had some what of a multiple personality disorder. It has been every combination of short, long, brown, blonde, straight and curly.
The problem: though I would like to have my short very blonde hair all the time, I don't seem to have the time and money it requires to visit the salon for a cut and color every six to eight weeks. My attempt to simlify my hair life by letting it be long and brown has proven unsuccessful- in that I don't feel like myself, look like myself and most my family and friends agree it is just not as good a look for me. Plus in the end I have found it to be just as much work. I have just come to the same conclusion as Rod Stewart- Blondes really do have more fun.
The solution: I am seeking a new friend. This friend needs to work or have worked in the business of hair, live within a 25 mile radius of me and be willing to cut and color my hair every six to eight weeks free of charge. In exchange they will recieve- well my friendship, appreciation and I would also be willing to watch their children for the day in exchange during which this new said friend of mine would be free to run errands, clean their house or just sip Diet Coke and take a nap on their couch. I know it sounds like I am just posting this for laughs, a little comic relief as I await the arrival or my stubborn son who is yet to make an apperance, but I am serious. Going once, Going Twice.... any takers?
I, too, had to come to terms (after trying the other side) with Rod's wisdom. Blonde really is just so much better. Good luck.
You haven't tried Red!
But dang I wish I was a stylist the return sounds great, especially now that we will be so close to each other!
i wish i had hair skills to offer you. after many, MANY self-induced hair disasters i decided to finally suck it up and just get it done. since we have the same color hair, let me suggest this (when you find someone to do it) get a full weave, and alternate 2 light blonde with 1 dark-gold; (if you can handle it, have her go one to one, but that was a little dark for me); for some reason, that matches best w/ our hair color, and you can put a bit more time between appointments.
I am totally with you on this one...with each pregnancy my hair has gotten darker and I don't like it at all! Finally halfway through my last pregnancy I decided to stop coloring it because $80 every two months was just too much! I wish I could find someone to do what you are would be so nice!
can't wait (like you I'm sure) for that little one to arrive~!
wish i too could help. but after trying to dye my hair brown a couple months ago and it went RED! I don't think I should ever attempt to do hair. My hair is still trying to get over the disaster. Good luck in your quest. and with this new baby. Can't wait ot see pictures, as i'm sure you can't wait either.
Great post. Although I am not a blond I sympathize with your post. I feel like I am always fighting the battle to keep mine brown and not white! :> Good luck finding your solution.
When you find your friend will you be willing to share her. Im coming back to the blonde myself- very slowly but eventually ill get there.
I don't have any experience doing hair, so I'm no help there, nore have I ever had to play with blond hair, so no suggestions there. However, I do know someone who is really good at doing hair that live in Heber. She just happens to be my sister. I love to reccommend her to people, not just because she's my sister, but because she actually really is good. She might have some good tips for you. She works at skissors, if you are interested. Can't wait to see that baby!!!
I don't do hair, but I think your styles are so cute!
You should contact Rachael Provost (Latimer). She lives in Heber and has darling hair! Maybe she'd want to be your 'friend.' (Sounds like a great arrangement. I know if I were an expert at doing hair I'd take you up on it. She just might as well!)
It's seems to me that I am that friend that you need, except for the 25 mile radius. I wish we were closer. I am in desperate need of friends who need their hair done right now! I wish I could help. But even as a stylist I have your same problem. Why can't a blonde just stay blonde...darn kids:) Let me know if I CAN help in any way. I don't know about every six weeks but I do visit Heber fairly often. If I could build up a clientelle up there who knows maybe I'd move back. Let me know if I can help
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