Being motivated by my church group I have been making great strides in preparing my home and family for anything. Perhaps you remember this post: then you are familiar with what I am talking about and why it is again midnight while I type this. I have felt a new weight of responsibility in protecting and preparing my family lately. Perhaps it is because my family has grown recently. Tonight the project was first aid. Although I am still anxious to take a refresher CERT class at least having and organizing all the supplies to respond in an emergency makes me feel a bit more ready.
Tonight I made two car first aid kit and a large one for our home. I had most all of this stuff already in my home- just not organized. I did purchase a few things totaling under $30. It took me a total of 1.5 hours- which includes a trip to the store. I am starting to see that it really does not take that much time or money to prepare ever needful thing.
Car Kits
Tupperware container- red of course
infant tylenol- I seem to always buy when we still have 1/3 a bottle left- all the car needs
latex gloves
bandaids of all sizes
ace bandaid
alcohol wipes
alka seltzer
iodine wipes
germ x wipes
saftey pins
neosporin wipes
maxi- pads -use to stop bleeding from large cuts as well
Tic Tacs- diabetics or keeping kids quiet in an emergency
Fingernail clippers
super glue
Benadryl cream
eye drops
Emergency/ contact phone numbers
Basic first aid fact sheet
Allergy/ medication family information
I am still hoping to get some kinds of sting kit for the car kit as well
For our home first aid kid-
I had this great red cooler that we just don't use that often- perfect. I zips shut- where I could easily put a combo lock through it to make it more child proof. For now I just have it on the top shelf on the linen closet with a child proof handle
I went through our medicine cabinet and threw away everything that was expired- half of what was in there was
What was included
Infant fever reducer
children fever reducer
children's bendadryl
rubbing alcohol
hydrogen peroxide
ear thermometer
traditional thermometer- I had four. I guess I never need to buy another one
Children's immodium
Children's Pepto
bandaids of all sizes
ace bandaids
super glue
icy hot
hot pack
surgical masks
latex gloves
eye drops
milk of magnesia
cold medicine
night time cold medicine
pain antiseptic
cold sore medicine
Itch Cream
Cold Compress
Large Neosporin
Emergency/ contact phone numbers
Basic first aid fact sheet
Allergy/ medication family information
I am still also hoping to get an epi pen and/or sting kit
I also went online and ordered some more surgical masks and am going to get some more gloves since I only had a few of each. Knowing me the next time I am at the store I will make a quick sweep of the pharmacy to see what else I am lacking.
If you have an idea of things I should add- based on experience or need leave a comment.
Car First Aid Kit contents picture
Wow, I am totally inspired. Now if I can just buckle down and actually do something about it.
The only thing off-hand I can think of is I always have some kind of prescription yeast infection cream for baby diaper rashes gone bad (and little girl potty training bottoms). With 3 girls, that seems to be an issue that constantly pops up. I also have a tube of prescription barrier cream specifically for bacterial infections down there. Plus a few tubes of Balmex or Desitin.
Crystal, I am happy you found my blog. I really need a new title for my blog, unfortunately we don't always vacation:) I love your post about your emergency preparedness. I am going to use your ideas for our own car kits because we don't have anything right now. It looks like your family is doing well.
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