Project 3 is a 72 hour kid- or really a natural disaster survival kit. I used the space for other things instead of putting all the diapers and clothes we would need for 72 hours because I have an emergency diaper bag for the kids in my car at all times with wipes, diapers, socks, clothes, drinks and kid food. I also have blankets, the first aid kit, and flares in my car as well instead of in this kit.
I had made us a 72 hour kit a few years ago when Hurricane Katrina came. At the time I was not working and had all day to watch the news coverage. It prompted me to make the 1st version of this which we kept next to our front door. We wanted to be ready- but mostly because we had no choice- our house was very small after all. I packaged everything in this great soft backpacking backpack I purchase from Out N Back before I went to China. It works perfectly and cost me $25 at one of their super sales. I like the large backpack for storing everything in because although it is heavy- it is the most portable it could be.
I decided to re-evaluate the kit and our needs in my current preparedness obsession. Then we were two healthy hardly twenty year olds who could have likely survived without shelter or food for three days regardless of the kit. Now we have to small children. I had a ton of stuff already- including all the first aid stuff and most the disaster supplies, but I added a few new things- mostly kid stuff, and all new food since the other stuff had all expired. This ended up costing me more than the other projects so far. About $100 and about two hours of time. I think if you had to start from scratch the project would take double the money and time.
All the items barely fit inside the backpack. I just used freezer bags to pack everything and keep it water proof. I talked about adding a survival guide and Jake came back with some comment about how he is a scout. It is true that now we have all the supplies and as long as Scoutmaster Jake is with me I think I will feel very capable of survival.
Food and Cooking
One Mess Kit
Plastic spoons
dish soap
1 gal water
dehydrated apples
Large Beef jerky
3 sevings instant pasta
Large Trail Mix
3 pediasure ready made drinks
6 servings dehydrated chili
6 serving dehydrated soup
6 servings instant oatmeal
4 servings hot chocolate
2 cans soup
crystal light packet- for water flavoring
water purification tablets aprox 4 quarts (should get some more)
I would also like to get some high calorie energy bars
Personal Hygiene
bug repellent
contact case and solution
hand soap
toothbrushes and paste
hair bands
maxi pads
nursing pads
diapers and wipes for both kids
Lysol spray
toilet paper
Clorox wipes
Germ- x
First Aid
packet distilled water
80 band aids various sizes
8 gauze dressings
large wound dressing
6 butterfly band aids
20 alcohol prep pads
20 antiseptic towelettes
3 iodine prep pads
3 insect relief pads
4 finger splints
splinter removers
4 doses antacid
3 electrolyte tablets
4 non aspirin tablets
instant cold pack
10 latex gloves
blessing oil
first aid guide
super glue
respirator masks
sting/bite relief stick
Most of this came in a ready made kit I purchased, I am debating whether or not I should take it out and give the space to something else, since I have an even better kit in my car already.
I should probably add some infant fever reducer too
Disaster Supplies
6 boxes of matches
leather work gloves
collapsible shovel
magnifying glass
8 glow light sticks
reflective tape
duct tape
citronella candles
two flashlights battery operated
4 D batteries 8 AA batteries
crank flashlight
4 rain ponchos
4 emergency blankets
50 ft poly cord
pocket knife
trash bags
I haven't been able to find a crank radio so I ordered this one from Amazon today.
Comfort Items
money- bills and quarters
Book of Mormon
Playing Cards
Small stuffed animals
hot wheels cars
army men
toy whistle
Again if you have any ideas for something you think I left out leave a comment.
Closer Look 72 hour kit contents
You impress me! We are not nearly as prepared and I taught a class on this last year.
A great idea I heard: every conference (so 2x/year) pull out your kits and eat all the food in it. Have a family "camp out" in the living room while watching conf. This does 3 things: 1. keeps your kits from having expired food. 2. ensures you store food you actually want to eat. It will be a disaster, after all, so who wants to choke down gross food on top of everything else that would be going on. 3. provide an opportunity to assess the rest of your stuff and change it according to family ages/needs.
This is really cool that you posted it on your blog. I have a good friend who checked it out and is going to use your suggestions. Nice job!
I totally need to do this!! Thanks for posting all the details, Crystal. It really gets me motivated, and think that it is do-able. Now to find time with the 3 kids running around will be another task in and of itself!
I'm friends with Janene out in Florida, and she referred me to your Project Prepared posts. Thanks for sharing this important, helpful information. I'm working on our 72-hr kits right now! Would you mind if I post a link to your Prepared posts on my blog in the near future?
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