Thursday, August 13, 2009

Candid August

We went to a community party where there was face painting. There were 18 or so kids in line and the one lady was taking 25 minutes on each kid (really?) plus kids just kept cutting in front of us. I went up to the lady and asked if I could just use one of her brushes to but a little heart of my daughters face since we had been waiting so long and it would literally take me five seconds. She claimed for liability reasons she could not. I love when people use this one on me. Mostly because perhaps they don't realize I am married to a lawyer/ know a thing or to about the law/and thus realize there would be no liability here. People sure do like to use it as an excuse though..... so Kate did not get her face painted like she wanted. I painted her face for her later that night- like a bear as requested. (well my best attempt at a bear but she was pleased) It took 1 minute with eyeliner and eye shadow.
We decided to take the kids backyard camping last Friday. I am not brave enough to go real camping with little Sam yet. So we had everything planned- but then it was rainy, so we went living room camping instead. Kate loved it and spent most the evening moving all her belongings into the tent.
Amy, Kaylie and Jeff were up for a few days. Here Kate and her cousin read a book, apparently books about rainbows are surprising or scary.
Kate pulled this Winne-the-Pooh movie from a box of old things at my parents weeks ago. Jake lets her watch a movie every morning (well she wakes up at 6:00 every morning) and this has been her consistent choice for the past two weeks. She loves the song and is always going around saying "Tut Tut looks like Rain"


The Tomlinsons said...

She is so cute, I love looking at your Blog. I love the pictures at the Zoo. What a fun day.

DC Diva said...

Kate is getting cuter every day.