Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday is oh so sweet.

Sam Rocks! and climbs! We call him godzilla. He's getting even fatter and more muscular than ever before. I think it may be related to the introduction of meat to his diet. This past week he ate two entire chicken thighs by himself and begged for more.Kate offers me a bouquet of children's utensils. Just what I always wanted.... we'd better get that in water.
We headed to the Bean Museum at BYU. Just for something to do with the kids. They liked just as much as the zoo it seems. We like it more than the zoo this time of year... it is free and indoors.
The kids thought this Liger was the best.

Kate sadly relates the animals she sees to Disney movies. IE... (an ostrich) "That is like Up" or "Bambi runs and runs" when checking out the deer. We really don't let her watch that much tv... really.
Jake always tries to convince me that he if we happened upon a bear in the wild he could most likely take it. But even he agreed he'd be no match for this beast.
Thanks Bean- your gave us the joy of hearing our children squeal in delight all Saturday afternoon for absolutley free.
I think next Saturday may include letting the kids dance themselves to sleep at a free Big Band concert here in town. Saturday is oh so sweet...especially when it begins with you sleeping in until 9:00.... well sleeping in is a funny way to put being up all night with kids, then handing them off to Jake at 6:00 for three hours of sleep. But that sleep is often the best sleep because I am not even subconsciously listening for the kids because I know Jake is awake and in charge.


Unknown said...

Saturdays are nice- wish I could enjoy the freebies. I love the pic of sam and his reflection!

The Tomlinsons said...

What a fun family adventure! Isn't funny how kids love to see the big animals...even if they are stuffed.