Kate had her stitches in November of last year. I guess it is just a bad month for head wounds in our family.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Stiches for Sammy
Kate had her stitches in November of last year. I guess it is just a bad month for head wounds in our family.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Thanksgiving Week {Monterey, Los Banos, Fresno}

Really attempting to make the most of our Thanksgiving week, Jake took the week off and we spent a 6 days hoping around Central California. Our 1st stop was Monterey, CA. This is a quaint coastal town we had both visited as children. Two of Jake's brothers and their families came as well making a large Freeman crew exploring the town. Kate could have cared less where we were and what we saw, because when asked what her favorite part was she would always respond it was her cousins. It is hard to beat 4 little girl cousins to play with. The weather was cold but we dressed the kids in their snow gear and took them to the beach so they could see the ocean. Kate went straight to work collection shells and building things, until her cousins showed up and she could skip the shores with them.
The kids enjoyed playing with cousins, a grandma and grandpa who would read them book after book, and warm enough weather to play outside in the orchard.

Hope you had a great Thanksgiving with perhaps less traveling and packing.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Old Stuff

These made me laugh and cry and fall in love all over again with Jake.
And see that maybe Sam doesn't get his good looks from me after all.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Family Pictures

I've been doing a lot of family photos for people this fall.
The worst thing about this is that is makes me desperate for my own.
I hate that I look on my computer and have thousands of images from other peoples families and very few of my own.
So I made everyone dress in coordinating clothing last week, sit outside in the cold and forced them to smile while I tried to get a picture.
it went well .... or...
I set up the tripod. I would set the timer. Jake would have Kate sitting with him. I would run and get Sam from playing in the sticks, and try to pose us both before the timer went off. This often resulted in a picture of my behind as I ran towards the camera, or a picture without Sam and I in it at all. {which I still prefer to the ones of my backside) though 3/4 of the pictures are literally missing a family member, we did get one... count that one, with everyone in it, with their hands not covering their faces, or clapping, or sword fighting with sticks. and 2 almost 3 people of the 4 are even smiling.
But I guess at least we have a picture documenting our family today.
And though they are not worth printing and putting up in our home,
I think they will at least do for our Christmas cards this year.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Hilarious Kate
" Kids grow up to be Mommies and Dad's come from fairies...
...Jesus will make you a mom, you have to ask him please...
... {Name of child in preschool} went potty on the big potty not my potty because she has a big bum..."
In case you think these are an assortment of statements she made over the course of today, you are wrong, this is one streaming conversation from her to me and Jake just minutes ago.
There is nothing funnier than being the parent of a very talkative three year old.
Kate is really into "being married" right now.
She is always saying things like "when I am a mom..." or "when I get married"
Tonight as I was putting her to bed she had these things to say to me.
"When you got married did you throw that thing around your leg?"
" When I get married I am going to have blue flowers"
"I am going to have a married house with twenty flowers outside and diamonds in the middle of the flowers"
" In my married house I am going to have a pink couch and a sparkly blue kitchen"
"Can we put those pj's (that are too small for her now) in the box and save them for when I have a little girl named Kaylie"
"When you got married did you throw your flowers?"
"We are going to have stars when I get married"
That picture above is her dressed up to get married. Notice the tiara and blue "veil"
You are only 3.
Wondering where she learns all this wedding stuff?
From Disney Princess movies that is where.
That or Jake and I make marriage look just that awesome.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Bad Things from Nov 1.
1.Getting my car stuck in park at the post office drop off box for several minutes.
2. Dropping the bank drive- thru canister out the window and having to chase it half way across the parking lot.
3. Washing and drying a load of laundry this morning only to unload it out of the dryer and find all that washing and drying was accompanied by a trick-or-treaters chocolate heath bar and having to wash and dry the entire load again.
4.Washing and drying another load of laundry this evening only to unload it out of the dryer to find that all that washing and drying was accompanied by a pull-up and have to wash and dry the entire load again.
5.Washing and drying yet another load of laundry tonight only to unload it out of the dryer to find that all that washing and drying was accompanied by a trick- or-treaters chocolaty Almond Joy and having to wash and dry the entire load again.
6.Having to dig out all the trash bags from the outside trash and bring them inside on to my newly mopped floor, so that I can dig through them because I realized that hours ago I threw away a paycheck.
I keep having really frustrating days. I have a lot going on this month.
I guess my brain is taking the majority of the hit.
* It is when you post something like this that your 19 month old will puke in his bed, then dry heave every twenty minutes until 4:00 am.
2. Dropping the bank drive- thru canister out the window and having to chase it half way across the parking lot.
3. Washing and drying a load of laundry this morning only to unload it out of the dryer and find all that washing and drying was accompanied by a trick-or-treaters chocolate heath bar and having to wash and dry the entire load again.
4.Washing and drying another load of laundry this evening only to unload it out of the dryer to find that all that washing and drying was accompanied by a pull-up and have to wash and dry the entire load again.
5.Washing and drying yet another load of laundry tonight only to unload it out of the dryer to find that all that washing and drying was accompanied by a trick- or-treaters chocolaty Almond Joy and having to wash and dry the entire load again.
6.Having to dig out all the trash bags from the outside trash and bring them inside on to my newly mopped floor, so that I can dig through them because I realized that hours ago I threw away a paycheck.
I keep having really frustrating days. I have a lot going on this month.
I guess my brain is taking the majority of the hit.
* It is when you post something like this that your 19 month old will puke in his bed, then dry heave every twenty minutes until 4:00 am.
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