" Kids grow up to be Mommies and Dad's come from fairies...
...Jesus will make you a mom, you have to ask him please...
... {Name of child in preschool} went potty on the big potty not my potty because she has a big bum..."
In case you think these are an assortment of statements she made over the course of today, you are wrong, this is one streaming conversation from her to me and Jake just minutes ago.
There is nothing funnier than being the parent of a very talkative three year old.
Kate is really into "being married" right now.
She is always saying things like "when I am a mom..." or "when I get married"
Tonight as I was putting her to bed she had these things to say to me.
"When you got married did you throw that thing around your leg?"
" When I get married I am going to have blue flowers"
"I am going to have a married house with twenty flowers outside and diamonds in the middle of the flowers"
" In my married house I am going to have a pink couch and a sparkly blue kitchen"
"Can we put those pj's (that are too small for her now) in the box and save them for when I have a little girl named Kaylie"
"When you got married did you throw your flowers?"
"We are going to have stars when I get married"
That picture above is her dressed up to get married. Notice the tiara and blue "veil"
You are only 3.
Wondering where she learns all this wedding stuff?
From Disney Princess movies that is where.
That or Jake and I make marriage look just that awesome.
Those are so cute....I am laughing hard right now.
Cute girl! We should have you guys come play.
BTW the bathroom remodel looks GREAT! You have great ideas.
That is awesome! Made me laugh so hard because the other night Kaylie got in trouble and ran to her room crying "I'm never going to get married!" I could not stop laughing! We miss you guys!
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