Monday, November 1, 2010

Bad Things from Nov 1.

1.Getting my car stuck in park at the post office drop off box for several minutes.

2. Dropping the bank drive- thru canister out the window and having to chase it half way across the parking lot.

3. Washing and drying a load of laundry this morning only to unload it out of the dryer and find all that washing and drying was accompanied by a trick-or-treaters chocolate heath bar and having to wash and dry the entire load again.

4.Washing and drying another load of laundry this evening only to unload it out of the dryer to find that all that washing and drying was accompanied by a pull-up and have to wash and dry the entire load again.

5.Washing and drying yet another load of laundry tonight only to unload it out of the dryer to find that all that washing and drying was accompanied by a trick- or-treaters chocolaty Almond Joy and having to wash and dry the entire load again.

6.Having to dig out all the trash bags from the outside trash and bring them inside on to my newly mopped floor, so that I can dig through them because I realized that hours ago I threw away a paycheck.

I keep having really frustrating days. I have a lot going on this month.
I guess my brain is taking the majority of the hit.

* It is when you post something like this that your 19 month old will puke in his bed, then dry heave every twenty minutes until 4:00 am.

1 comment:

Kristine said...

Heaven send blessings your way. Hang in there!