Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Family Pictures

I've been doing a lot of family photos for people this fall.
The worst thing about this is that is makes me desperate for my own.
I hate that I look on my computer and have thousands of images from other peoples families and very few of my own.
So I made everyone dress in coordinating clothing last week, sit outside in the cold and forced them to smile while I tried to get a picture.
it went well .... or...
I set up the tripod. I would set the timer. Jake would have Kate sitting with him. I would run and get Sam from playing in the sticks, and try to pose us both before the timer went off. This often resulted in a picture of my behind as I ran towards the camera, or a picture without Sam and I in it at all. {which I still prefer to the ones of my backside) though 3/4 of the pictures are literally missing a family member, we did get one... count that one, with everyone in it, with their hands not covering their faces, or clapping, or sword fighting with sticks. and 2 almost 3 people of the 4 are even smiling.
But I guess at least we have a picture documenting our family today.
And though they are not worth printing and putting up in our home,
I think they will at least do for our Christmas cards this year.


LaCee Clayburn said...

LOL! Been there, done that! I'm so grateful you were able to take ours for us this year! What you really need is the new Windows 7 I've been seeing commercials for, lol! The pics are beautiful though, you still did a great job with your family :).

Reynolds said...

Love the picture! I think a lot of ours turned out with odd faces and we weren't even trying to beat the timer.