Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Spaceships and Astronauts

Funny moments with my kids.

We went to the park this afternoon.
It was finally sunny and warm to go out.

At the park we saw an airplane flying overhead.
It was ascending quickly and leaving a smoke trail behind it that was very thick.

Kate is excited
"look mom, a spaceship"

I play along.
"wow what luck, you never get to see spaceships"

The "spaceship" flies over our heads, and is within about 5 minutes out of sight, its smoke trail quickly fading.

Sam chases after the spaceship, calling for Buzz Lightyear. He pouts and yells for Buzz to come back. He runs away from me and after the spaceship. He gives me his sad face when he is retrieved.

Kate asks me if she can be an astronaut when she grows up.
When I tell her she can she spends the rest of the afternoon trying to convince Sam he should be an astronaut when he grows up too.
"don't you want to go up in space when you get bigger", "we could share a spaceship and be together."

My kids are best friends, and it makes our house the best!

1 comment:

The Tomlinsons said...

So cute! I love that they are best friends. I was worried when I had a girl and then a boy that they wouldn't play well together, but boy was I wrong! I love that Kate was the one wanting to be the astronaut and Sam wasn't so sure...