Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 12, 2012

The day in which we woke up and went straight to the Cherry Auction with Grandma Anderson.
Where we met a parrot- who said more words than Marianne. and delighted the children in repeating back their words, and saying "Hello" in an eerily similar manner to the ice cream truck that use to drive down the street at our Baxter house.

Marianne, now, as of today says.
Mama, Nigh Nigh, Dada, and Dog (while she sticks out her tongue in pants, and also barks)
She has stuck he tongue out like a dog and barked for a week or more, but actually saying "Dog" was new today.
But the parrot still seemed like more of a trick then my adorable chubby baby, naked in the swimming pool saying "dog" around thirty times, every time the dog would come to see her in the pool. She did not delight any children with her words, but most certainly me.

At the cherry auction we found a used swivel car.
For a mere $10.
There were two, we picked the red, and carried it out of the auction with our arm fulls of fruit.
Our only regret. That we didn't buy another (there were two) for $6 more like we were offered.  Because the kids have been playing on the one all day. Jake and I even took our turns, thought it was super fun, and wished we had another so he and I could race each other down the street.  There was no doubt we wanted to purchase it, but we were just not sure how we could manage all the children, strollers, fruit and one swivel car, and another swivel car....
My point.
 If you come across a swivel car, for $10. You should buy it, even if you will have to carry it and two children a 1/2 mile to the car.
Because when you get it home it will be worth it.


LaCee Clayburn said...

We have a swivel car too :o). Roo absolutely loves it and Chan has a blast riding it with him, they buddy up and ride it down big hills together, Roo giggling the whole way. It is really a blast for adults and children alike :o).

The Tomlinsons said...

Yep those things are a hit, for sure! Braden has claimed ours as his own and throws a fit when someone else is on it. I admit that I take a turn every once in a while, though!

I BET the kids loved the parrot!!!