Sunday, June 24, 2012

June 20, 2002

This week marked the one decade anniversary from my last first date.
It was with this guy.
The bashful blonde in my psych class who I had chatted up all semester- I was literally tricked by his roommate into the  date. It came as no surprise he wanted to date me.  He had flirted with me every day the class had been held despite the fact I was often in sweats and half asleep on my desk. The fact he found me interesting despite my love for sweats and sleeping- is actually very relevant to our life now funny enough.  I thought he was sweet and soon discovered he was ridiculously awesome in every way.
I jokingly forever refer to our first date as -the marathon 1st date.  I have even used it as an example of what "not to do" when talking to single friends about dating. (Jake is quick to correct me proving it was a great plan as he is now married to me after all)
The date was more than 7 hours long.  It involved, dinner, bowling, ice cream, visiting his friends, and an almost 3 hour movie.  We actually had two more chances at some kind of "first date" in the following year.  
13 months later we were wed.

Last night we had date night.  Ten years later.  It involved sneaking some Ben and Jerry ice cream while we watched two episodes of "white collar" our most recent netflix find.  It is pretty similar to how we spend the hours after 10:00pm once we get the kids to bed, every night.. Except that there was ice cream, and some cuddling, and no simultaneous laptop surfing.

Ten years can change a lot.
But not that my dates still are with somebody who seems to be ridiculously awesome in every way.

(this pictures is not actually from our first date, but at least a few months before we were married)

1 comment:

KJ's Perspective Take 2 said...

Two ridiculously awesome people that make one amazing couple. Congrats on 10 years of dating! :)