Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Christmas 2014

We went to bed Christmas Eve with not a drop of snow in our yard, and woke up to it covered- it was a real White Christmas.  The kids came in around 7, without hesitation that it was Christmas morning. "Lets go see if He came" they say.

These pictures describe Christmas morning with accuracy.  It was kind of one big sticky, loud whirlwind.  I didn't take too many picture because we kind of let the kids go at it and it was over in about twenty minutes.  Then we spent the rest of the day making breakfast and playing with all our toys.
I like to list the gifts (if I can remember) what each kid got because I think it tells a lot about who they are at this moment.

Kate:  Every Calico Critter accessory and guy and a giant house. (She had seen it in a store and loved it but said she wouldn't ask for it because it was too much money- she is so responsible) A Merida doll, 15 American Girl Doll Chapter Books with an outfit that matched her American girl doll.  Fuzzy slippers, a stuffed turtle, a cross stitch kit,  jelly princess, hello kitty socks, slime,  a Disney piano book, Brave Legos, stickers, candy, brackets.

Sam: A Basketball hoop (which he has played with non-stop since receiving) Star Wars Legos, and a slot car race track.  A giant comic book encyclopedia, Battleship the game, Magformers, soccer socks, whistles for sports, slingshot, nerf gun, a little stuffed dog, candy, stickers.

Marianne: Vanity set with play makeup and blowdryer. Doc Mcstuffins remote control car, Ariel Doll, Ariel Legos, stuffed Jaguar (her favorite thing she got) sticker book,  animal socks, necklace, jelly princess,   Doc McStuffins coloring cards, Sofia umbrella, calico pandas with beds,  stickers.

Bethany: Rocking elephant, Stroller, Baby Doll (she had been pushing a broken stroller and stealing a similar baby doll from Marianne ever day the week before) Doc McStuffins microphone, Animal Sounds book, necklaces, candy, stickers,  stuffed cat, socks.

And I'm sure lots of stuff I forgot because it seemed like giant piles of stuff to sort through and put away.

Jake made abelskivers then we skyped with his parents  in Iceland.  We assembled piles of Legos, ate more of the dinner from the night before, went to visit with my brothers and parents at their house and there might have been some napping on the living room floor.

Jake and I exchanged gifts too.  For him a ping pong table, and he really surprised me with oil paint supplies something I have dreamed of taking up for years.

Christmas Day is a great day.  I try to let go of things I think I need to do and just observe my kids and play with my kids and let it be set aside from all other days.  I kind of wish every day was Christmas.

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