Friday, January 25, 2008

Looking for Suggestions

As all of you know, we have a little 9 month old daughter. For those of you who have met her, you have probably noticed she is one of the happiest little things ever. And she is. Very happy. In fact she has probably only cried because she was hungry 5 times in her whole life. The fact is, she is very happy, very happy despite the fact that she does not eat or sleep. Since her birth eating has been a struggle. She doesn't really like to nurse, unless it is to sleep and she doesn't like to eat solid foods, unless it is something she finds on the floor. Sometimes I even plant peas on the floor, knowing she will find them and put them in her mouth. Thankfully I have been able to keep her at average weights, mostly by forcing her to eat and slipping cheerios in her mouth every empty second, and also now what I call the avocado diet. Who knew there were 20 grams of fat in one avocado, and Kate loves them. I can get her to eat rice cereal or oatmeal by letting the dog in the house and letting Kate feed the dog Chex. Each time she goes to give the dog a Chex Kate opens her mouth and almost doesn't notice as I slip in a big bite of oatmeal. I know great eating habits right? I get her to nurse, only by going in a quiet, dark room with no distractions and swaddling her up. I would love to get her to take a bottle but I have had no success. So I ask you mother's of the blogosphere for help. How did you get your kids to eat at this age, take a bottle, what fingerfoods could they just not get enough of. I am open to (and desperate for )suggestions.


Anonymous said...

Crystal - I wish I had great suggestions. All my boys were picky eaters and Zoey would eat anything. Now only Zane is picky. All my boys have been in the 5% on the chart for weight. My doctor told me once a child won't starve themselves. My best advice really is offer a bottle, offer food, but if she doesn't want it or take it don't force the issue. Don't make mealtime be an issue or it always will be. It is so hard when you are a first time mom but you are doing great and she'll turn out great! Good Luck!

Polliwog said...

Speaking from my own mistakes, I would avoid force. It worked when Smidget was little and I could squeeze a taste of something into her mouth--she'd realize it was yummy and eat it. But I fear I have created a monster because now she won't let my finger near her mouth and overcompensates by not being willing to try anything. Trickery is a different story. I like the dog distraction idea. I can't say I've had lots of success, but I just keep putting a little of everything in front of her and am occasionally surprised when she likes something new (blueberries this week). The "experts" (whoever they are) say sometimes a food has to be offered multiple times (5-10) before the child will try it.

Bad news with the bottle, imo. If she hasn't taken one yet I doubt she will and I wouldn't even worry about it at this point. It's not worth the stress. Start trying sippy cups--Smidget could only do the kind with a pop-up straw, but it worked great.

Good luck!

KEYSHA said...

Oh what fun! Myka is not a fan of me feeding her foods (the whole rice cereal baby food thing is not for her). So, here's my suggestions: bread, pancakes, itty bitty chicken nuggets, mandarin oranges, crackers, rice, peas, corn, noodles (try mac and cheese) canned beans work really well too, because they are soft. Most babies like to be able to feed themselves, which is why these are great. (The mess is a nightmare, but that's to be expected).

As for the bottle...I wish you good luck with that one. We barely conquered it. The bottle that worked the best for Myka is the Playtex Nurser (with the drop-ins). A friend recommended it to me, and it has been Myka's favorite. If you're using formula you might want to switch, because Kate might not like the taste...(I researched that one and someone did a taste test and found Similac to be the best-tasting?? I think they all smell disgusting!)

Good luck and keep us updated on the progress!

Anonymous said...

I know I'm not an expert, but with a 27 pound three year old, I think I may understand what you're saying! I remember and still know how frustrating it is to not have your child eat. We've had all kinds of people look at Paden and tell us what we should or shouldn't do with him. I think through nearly two years of feeding clinics and experts that helped us monitor him, the only thing I would say to you, is keep her eating what she will. The other suggestions of not forcing her are good ones. When she's older you can black mail her with toys or whatever it is she's into! Overall, hang in there and try not to get discouraged. It's hard, but it's something that will gradually get better. It's just consistency with her and she'll make the turn. If you want, I have a list of food ideas for kids I could email you. Let me know! Good Luck! ~ Lindsie