Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pop Idols and Rock Stars

Hollywood comes to Utah but once a year- the Sundance Film Festival, held only 15 minutes from our home. It poses an exciting opportunity to see the famous out of their environment and in yours. Jake and I ventured to Park City Main Street on Monday to see what we could see. Rumors spread that big names like Bono and the Edge, Tom Hanks, Bruce Willis, Paris Hilton, Robert DiNero, Collin Farrel, Maroon 5, Taylor Swift, Jack Black, Al Gore of course Robert Redford and a myriad of others were perusing the streets in their newly purchased puffy vests and fur boots, and swag parkas and matching beanies- trying to "dress as the weather required", i suppose but I have never seen so much winter wear on each individual roaming around. The streets were crowded, and Paparazzo loomed at each club entrance. Our 2 hour adventure got us a $3.00 cup of hot chocolate and a glimpse at Dennis Quade, as well as some other guy everyone was taking pictures of but was unidentifiable to me. It was fun to be around all the buzz either way. The funniest line of the day was when we were riding the free buses they have to get around and Jake said " it smells like Honduras, and by Honduras I mean cheap alcohol" it was very true. Another good thing that came of this trip was a new band I discovered and liked. Your Vegas. No surprise they are a piano based soft rock band like many of our already fav's Coldplay, the Frey, Ben Folds. But check out this link to hear some of their stuff.


The Kay Family said...

oooh, oooh, I LOVE Denis Quaid!! I hope little Kate didn't freeze her tootsies off!

Anonymous said...

Love the band! Thanks for sharing the link!