Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Funny Kids

1. More growling and pouncing like a tiger at any animal figurine or picture, and especially loudly during church meetings.
2. Waking up from naps and heading straight for his shoes, then begging me to put them on. he knows what he wants and where he wants to go.
3. Extreme attachment- crying desperately if a garage door opens, when we get our shoes on (he usually goes and gets his shoes on then too), the three seconds when I leave the car before I open his door to get him. Real tears, and can't breath kind of screaming.

1. Telling me about dreams last night. Her bedroom = an ocean, Dad a shark, me a fish, Sam a seahorse and her... well Ariel of course but you could have guessed that. Also a dream about a dragon that was growling and sticking its tongue out until Jesus came and saved her.
2. Kate to Dad " where are you going"
Dad to Kate " I'm going crazy"
Kate to Dad (gets her shoes on) " I got my shoes on- can I go to crazy too"
4. Found a marinate brush for the BBQ, pulled a chair up to the wall in the kitchen and painted the kitchen with her spit. (Thanks Kate, I have been debating over what color to paint it for over a year)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you capture them well