We just returned from our vacation in
Sun Valley.We have gone for the past few years and love it each time.
Jake is able to get most of his Continuing Education to keep his attorney license while we are there, but is done by noon.
By then Sam had had a good nap and we were ready to take the town for all it is worth.
Not only is it one of the most beautiful places we have been to,
it is relaxing, perfect for our kids, and we can write off our room, gas, food, all but about $50 that we spent.
Not bad for a four day vacation.

First matter of business upon arrival was to check in, unpack and check out "our place" as Kate was calling it.
We were a little worried because we were really late making reservations for this year and the only condos left were studios.
It was in the Atelier Condos and was the nicest condo we have ever had there. The bathroom was large enough to put Sam's pack-in-play in, and we laid out Kate's sleeping bag to make a bed for her in a large closet.
Staying in a condo is really the best way to vacation. Lots of room and most importantly a fully equipped kitchen make being away from home with small children a piece of cake.
Once we unpacked a bit we went outside to explore the rivers, ponds and streams all around us. Kate just kept asking where the other kids were.
"Oh they must still be unpacking" she would conclude.

The 1st evening there the Legal Convention always puts on a free dinner- Brazilian Grill style meal, and then free ice skating.

Though it was getting late, we all stayed to help and watch Kate try ice skating for the 1st time.

She was so excited- just sure she would be able to glide on the ice like the semi- pros who were practicing before it was our turn.

It took her about ten minutes to get around the rink once- with Jake holding her up the whole way. It didn't look like fun at all- but she was a trooper and smiled about the experience.

Our days were filled with lots of biking.
The kids did great in the bike trailer and enjoyed going for rides so much.
We enjoyed the trails of what is literally the most "bike friendly community" in the United States. We biked almost everywhere we went, to swim, to dinner, to shop, to see the animals. We only drove the car once in four days- to check out a neighboring town about 15 minutes away.
Sun Valley really is our kind of town.
I would say really our only active hobbies are skiing and biking- and Sun Valley has about as many ski/bike shops as it does grocery stores and gas stations put together.... Probably around 15.

On one of our bike trips to town to get some groceries we found a hula hoop graveyard and fountain in a little town square.

Of course there was lots of swimming in the "big swimming pools" We made it to the pools almost everyday, and the kids were fearless about swimming and jumping right in.
In years past it has been a very busy resort, but the economy seems to have had an effect on many vacationers. We sometimes felt we were sharing this huge resort with only a few other families.

Our annual Sun Valley vacation would not be complete with out an afternoon paddle around the lake in a two person boat. This was also the 1st year nobody was screaming, and everyone enjoyed the boat ride. It was also the 1st year we did not see any wild life drinking on the shores.

Eating out (and coloring out) at new places were part of everyday as well.
In the entire city there is not a single chain restaurant- not even a McDonald's, so discovering new places is always fun.

We also enjoyed coloring together in the evenings and just hanging out in our comfy place.
I had let Kate pick out a new coloring book and some toy cars for the trip at the store. She was most excited about using her new toys on vacation before she actually got on vacation and found out about the more exciting things.
We tried out the resort bowling alley this time, and Jake took Kate to the movies one evening after Sam had gone to sleep. This may have been one of her favorite parts of the trip because not only was there free popcorn- but also they threw out candy. There was a moment of mixed emotions when a package of Starburst hit her in the head. She was scared and hurt, but also really excited about the candy. Worn out from a busy day she feel asleep half way through the show so Jake biked her home and carried her to her closet.

While there we befriended a horse that lived up the hill from our place.
We named him Reggiepop and we went and got carrots at the store just to feed him.
These pictures of the kids feeding the horse really capture what Sun Valley feels like to me.
Fun, warm, breezy, country, evenings in the mountains with happy, curious kids and no responsibilities.
We also found, befriended and fed a family of ducks and large swans living near by as well.

Thanks Sun Valley.
We hope to be back again another year.