Saturday, July 31, 2010

Celebrating Summer

My sister jokingly said to me that I haven't been her reliable go to blog this week only posting here once and twice over on ReadySetPlan.
The truth is we've been celebrating summer maybe a little too much.

This week I spent a full day with my sister-in-laws, and another morning with my own sister.
And because he can- we often find an excuse to make Jake leave work early, even if that includes just running an errand.

We continued to celebrate summer last night.
Summer/ the anniversary date we were finally able to secure babysitters for.

We did all the things we always do for our favorite summer dates.
Chinese Food (though this time sit down and not the typical "Chinese Picnic"
and a showing of a Sundance summer musical.

Last night was the very charming BIG RIVER

I have been attending the Sundance theater to my own personal delight every summer it has been available since I was 16.
It is one of my favorite things.
If you have never been and you live nearby go book your tickets here.
You will agree Sundance is one of the most beautiful place around.
And how lucky am I it is just a short 15 minute drive from me?

If you do go be sure you are there at least 45 minutes early,
and be aware that the show goes until almost 11 pm.
This just means more time up in the landscaped wilderness.
It really is my favorite atmosphere.

The evening also included the exchange of more gifts.
We anxiously opened nice gifts last week upon their arrival from Amazon.
I got Jake a running watch
and he got me a knife set I have been desperately needing since we didn't receive one as a wedding gift seven years ago.

But that seemed like a long time ago, so we had new gifts to exchange.
For me my favorite and the always traditional fudge covered Oreo and words written in a card.
For Jake a humorous time line of our lives together.
Noting things from when we were dating and I thought his last name was Reece for some reason
to nicknames we've had that have since died like "Christmas Bear", places we've lived like our "Bungalow of Love", jobs we've had, children that have grown the team and how I have almost always loved him more than he has loved me.

It was strange to be alone together for 7 hours straight without having to worry about or hear children.
Mostly not to hear them.
It is so quite.
And it is so nice to talk for seven hours straight without interruption.
Strangely just seven hours away from the chidlren made them feel so big as I carried them from their beds at the Pearson's to the car to their beds in our house.
It was like I had been worlds away.

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