Friday, July 2, 2010

Sam on a Mission

Today I thought it would be fun for the kids to go for a swim. I filled the pool with water (partly with hose water and partly with warm water from the kitchen sink as it was a bit windy outside)
After lathering them in sunscreen they were sent outside.

And were very happy about swimming in the luke warm mini pool in the backyard.

After a few minutes Sam discovered the hose and was very happy about this as well.
Kate continued to "cook" and swim some more.
Sam tested this hose, he squirted it, and drank from it and filled bowls and cups with it. His research led him to believe that a hose was a very cold but interesting thing.
Kate swims some more...

and Cola watches on.
Sam is excited. He has an idea.

He discovers he can fill the cup with pool water and move it wherever he wants just like the hose.
Over the course of the next thirty minutes he would transport water cup by cup from the pool to the garden plot across the yard about 40 feet.
I am not sure what his motivation for this labor was.

but it was a very serious mission
"This ought to do it." he thinks
What should I do next he wonders?
"Perhaps I should do this same thing twenty or more times.
That would make me such a nice pile of mud (or water this garden whatever he is actually doing)" he thinks to himself.
Back and forth, back and forth he labored to make the mud, water the garden and eventually just looking for another place to water, he even filled the dogs water bowl.
after about twenty rounds on his own, Kate got up out of the pool and decided to help make the mud, water the garden and water the dog.

and Cola continued to watch.

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