It seems like longer since this little guy joined the team.
In fact it seems like he has always been here with us- making us laugh and giving us hugs.
Maybe that is partially because I claim I knew him in my dreams before he was born.
Sadly because of this -his song that I sing him is the Sleeping Beauty Theme.
Jake says I need to pick a new song because this one is too girly.
Tough Beans Son.
" I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream,
I know you, the gleam in your eye is so familiar a dream,
And its true that visions are seldom as they seem,
But if I know you, I know what you'll do,
You'll love me at once, the way you did once,
Upon a Dream"
I have concluded you are tough enough to handle it.
At 18 months
Weight 23.14lb 23%
Height 32 in 47%
Head 19 1/4 70 %
He had to get a couple of shots too for us to find that out.
But he didn't even let out one cry.
The nurse was impressed.
Yup- he is strong, brave, and awesome I assured her.
I really need to stop calling you Chubs. It doesn't suit you.
Samson, Samuraii, Sammy, and the always Loveable Sam still do.
He likes to wrestle, get thrown up in the air and be tickled and chased.
He likes to hug too. And that is the best.
He follows his sister around most of the day, and sometimes fights with her.
He likes to play outside and in the water.
He likes
He likes bottles still, and pacifiers, and asks from them "BaBa and This" That is what he calls them.
He has lots of words now.
Growls, barks, quacks, Moos,Meows, neighs, Trumpets like an elephant, sticks his tongue out like a giraffe, buzzes like a bee.
He says all our names, and can even blame Kate by name when she hurts him.
He says drink, more, no,push, thanks you, all done, outside, and is starting more and more to repeat new words on a daily basis.
He runs, and climbs, and digs.
He likes blowing out candles, and on food if it is hot.
And refuses to sit in a high chair, he wants to be a big kid.
He likes riding in the car and on the bikes.
And drinks so much that I have to sneak in and change his diaper around 11:00 pm so he doesn't soak his clothes through.
He is handsome. Everyone tells us so all the time.
We agree whole heartedly.
He has his father's dimples, huge tongue, muscles and hair cut
His mother's hooded eyes and other dimple. And looks more like me all together.
He still has those strange masses in his chest we can't figure out.
He sleeps for 12 hours at night.....Who does that?
18 months of Samuel has brought us so much joy.
I can't imagine loving anyone more.