Friday, August 13, 2010

Grumpy Kids

I thought today might be a decent day to get some 18 month photos of my little fellow.
I dressed him in some clean clothes and took the children both to the field behind the house.

And then began the complaining
about everything from they didn't like their shoes,
to they no longer liked looking for bugs in the field,
to attempts to run out into the road,
to general crying about everything and anything.
Turns out mornings are not our happiest times, but I already knew that.
Here is one of Sam's best shots.....
That is right- he was so mad he wouldn't even look at me.

Thinking to not waste dragging the camera and kids out here- maybe Kate would be a better subject.....
Think again.
She would apparently gag herself then let me take a picture of her smiling.
Yes asking her to smile is what brought upon that response.

I was surprised to see this upload onto my computer. I don't think he was actually happy, I just happened to catch his face a at good moment that tricks you into thinking he is smiling.
Sam eating a stick.... just the look I was going for.
More general grumpiness.

Kate at least tried to be cooperative for about 45 seconds,
and only because she understands a bribe.

1 comment:

Dolphinsbarn said...

these guys are so cute. I love that picture of Kate with her finger in her mouth... seriously... the lighting is awesome. Looks like an album cover.