Wednesday, August 11, 2010

7 Reasons My Kids are HIlarious!

Reason 1:
A Halloween costume catalog arrived in the mail today. I have passed on the love for the holiday to my oldest born. She scoured its pages all day. She picked out costumes for all of us. Sadly it looks like the days of me coordinating everyone's costumes together has come to an end, for Kate has her mind set on Ariel the Little Mermaid. She is so excited about Halloween and costumes that she just asked me to read her the catalog for her bedtime story, and I did.

Reason 2:
Sam slept for 3 hours straight today. He is awesome like that. During which time I was able to clean my entire house with Kate by my side, and spend more than enough time wandering aimlessly around the internet for things I will not purchase and projects I will never get around to. And I did so guilt free as my chores were already completed and I had already read Kate all 13 books we got at the library yesterday.

Reason 3:
I was cutting up some Fresh Mango for dinner.
Kate: What is that Mom?
Me: It is called a Mango
Kate: Like a Flamango? (flamingo)
Me: Yes Kate, it sounds like flamingo
Kate: Are we eating Flamango Mom?
Me: No Kate it is just a fruit
Kate: oh Flamangos eat them.
Me: Yes Kate they likely do.

Reason 4:
Sam says "Push" now to ever button, door, car etc. Anything he can push or pull.
"Puushshshshshsh" It IS funny, even if it doesn't sound like it to you.

Reason 5:
Kate and Sam were playing with the vacuum. They love the thing because it has an automatic cord wind feature. Kate smacked Sam with one of the cleaning extensions. I asked him what happened, mostly in a rhetorical comforting way, as I was aware of what had happened. He stopped crying, stood up, pointed his finger her way and said "kate". Let the blaming begin.

Reason 6:
Kate found two suckers downstairs in a box in the basement for a party a while ago.
She brought them upstairs. A pink for her (her favorite color) and a yellow for me (as she knows it is my favorite color). I told her she could have it, but I did not want mine. This confounded her. She didn't understand why I did not want to eat a sucker. She asked me several questions, like why I was not hungry? if I was going to save it for later? and why wasn't I going to eat the sucker. She told me my tummy did not look full. It just blew her away that I wouldn't want to eat a sucker. She eventually left it on my desk for me to eat later.

Reason 7:
The children amused themselves for a good 45 minutes today and yesterday feeding the dog cereal they sneak out the cupboard. It is funny to watch them work on the project together filling cups of cereal then taking it outside, then handing it piece by piece to one very happy dog. It may be a waste of cereal but it seems to be great for sibling bonding.

Reason 8:
We checked out a Childrens' Spanish vocabulary book from the library. Kate was reading one of he books to Sam this morning.
kate: How do you say ball is Spanish Sam?
Kate: You say "le ball",
La pelota is more likely correct, and her sounds more like a french ball than a spanish ball, but I think she is getting the feel for the language.

And that was my hilarious day.

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