Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lucky Me!

I wasn't sure if this should just be a journal entry, or if it should make its way on to the blog.
I guess proper blog etiquette would dictate- when in doubt don't post it.
But I debated only because it is mostly more complaining. And thought I don't like filling my blog with complaints, I guess the few people that read my blog (my sisters and sis in laws) can cope with a few more paragraphs of grief from a pregnant gal. Plus it is actually funny.

Last Thursday when my doctor's appointment when poorly, I cried.
Today I just laughed.

My doctor was also laughing at me a bit. Really.
He told me that he has never had a patient go late with their 3rd child...I have about 36 hours or I'll be his first. Even more surprisingly he told me, he has never had a 3rd pregnancy he couldn't even do an induction, even two days early, for because they have not dilated at all. I am the 1st.
Aren't I special!
I feel so special.
I feel special that even my experienced OBGYN can't believe how stubborn my body and unborn child are being and chuckled at me in disbelief.

Mixed emotions have washed over me as I have observed births this past week.
I had four friends and two sister- in -laws due between Aug 6 and Aug 23.
All six of these women have had their babies and are home holding their little ones and on their way to recovery. Only I remain. I get to be last. I get to be the only one to be pregnant for all 280 days. Even though I am the shortest by a good four inches to any of them. Each one of them should know how lucky they are- as the last seven days have been the hardest days of any pregnancy ever for me. Though morning sickness left me around 6.5 months, it has returned and I am back to throwing up a few times each morning. The hard part is, is that now I don't move quite as quick and it is more difficult to make it to the bathroom to puke because instead of running, it is more of a waddle. Picture that. And laugh with me.

A google search and some convo with my doc told me that less than 10% or women deliver one or more days late. I know- I still have a day and a half, but unless my water breaks, my doctor doesn't think I am going to go into labor before then.
This 10 % usually includes women who are pregnant for the first time- not me.
Having a boy- nope.
Are obese before pregnancy- nope.
Have a mother who was always overdue- nope mine never went over 36 weeks.

So not typically women who are pregnant for their 3rd time, with a girl, and are normally-petite.
I am just breaking all the rules. I am a rebel like that.

It is so frustration- looking for answers I looked at dates. Maybe I could make some sense of it if it were possible my due date were a little early. But Nope. I know the day I conceived. Not only that I was throwing up and asking for hard candy within the week, my 1st ultra sound came back with the exact same date. And my detailed ultrasound spouts date between Aug 11 and Aug 14.
I looks like Saturday is suppose to be our day.
And I'll cross my fingers hoping still.

Otherwise the doctor will force her out on Tuesday the 16.
Strange as it seems, they won't induce me now because I haven't made any progress, but they won't allow me to stay pregnant past Friday the 19. I could choose a day between the 15 and the 19. That is the latest date that I am even allowed to be pregnant for because it starts being unhealthy for the baby. That seems a small window to me.

But four days or sooner (cross your fingers) makes me feel like a ticking time bomb.
Please let my water break. Please Please Please.
And I think I am done crying, I've moved on to laughing, and saying "of course this is my luck"

One of the best things though.
Every night Jake and I got to bed we say "see you in a few hours"
because we assume i'll go into labor overnight. And every morning when we wake up to children and the sun shinning through our window instead, we look at each other, and the look makes me laugh. It is one of disbelief and humor at learning over and over again that we have no control when it comes to these sort of things.


Dyan said...

Oh, I am so sorry. I have been late with both of my children! It sucks, big time. I ran a mile, jumped on the trampoline, used a breast-pump and nothing worked. I hope you have your baby tonight.

Polliwog said...

First of all, this is going to be the best journal entry one day. You really do tell it well.

But I am so sorry--you sound so very, very miserable and to have the throwing up return is just icing on the cake. It sucks. I will still send you water breaking thoughts.

I love you. The end is near. Very near. Hang in there. If life is fair, you will have the best delivery ever!!!

Unknown said...

yes, I laugh with you- but I cry with you too.

Ming said...

I've nothing else to say but, I'm so sorry.

The Tomlinsons said...

Hang in there! Hopefully this child won't be as stubborn as her birth!!!

Mays and Matt said...

Aargh. Those little babies don't do what they are told. We'll be chanting "Water. . . BREAK. Water. . . BREAK" at our house! Although I'm hoping it already happened since I'm reading this on Friday!

Lindsay said...

I hope I'm late enough with this comment that it is being read with a new little one in your arms. But if not, I can't even imagine! I've never quite reached my due-date before and have felt like that last week or two will actually never end. I can't imagine how miserable you are! And, I find it perfectly acceptable to cry about it. :0

Kristina Brown said...

Thinking of you and your new little girl today! I hope labor went well and you are sweet recovering. Keep us posted!