Thursday, August 4, 2011

So Done.

I'm done. So done.
I know I technically have a week left in the pregnancy. But I just never expect that my 5'1" body with what I can only assume based on my past children is an 8lb child will hold out to the end. I get my hopes up. I guess I can only hope.
Jake took the kids to the carnival tonight. I sat alone at home depressed instead. Eating shredded mini wheats for dinner. Sad, sad, sad. I didn't feel like walking around.
I had a doctors appointment today. It didn't go as I had planned.
I am no where close to being in labor. So far in fact that although they normally allow women to be induced 7 days before delivery- like now for me.... I am not being given that option, because I am showing no progress. Who has ever heard of this in a 3rd pregnancy? I guess that is fine since I didn't want to be induced anyway, now the temptation is gone.
This in combination with the official fact that I have gained over 50% of my own body weight...... yes 56lbs, was enough to wipe any smile off my face.
I'm exhausted. I found stretch marks on my feet today. No really this is not a joke. And I woke up this morning with my face so swollen it looked like I had botox in my lips, to a gross extreme.
I had big plans of doing chores all day, and getting to a really ready place. Instead all I want to do is eat ice and sit on the couch and watch Friday Night Lights- which we recently discovered on Netflix.
No matter what I did schedule an induction. Though it is not until the 16. 3 days after her due date. I think they will allow me to go through with it no matter what my body is doing. I still want to give her a chance to come on her own. But if she has any love for her mother she would go ahead and come already.
Pile on the sympathy I guess.


Polliwog said...

Oh, Crystal! So miserable. I'm sorry. :( But hey, soak up some Tim Riggins and you'll cheer up.

I wish I was there so we could eat ice chips and whine to each other. It would be lots more fun to be miserable with someone. And D might like a break from my complaining. It's almost here now ... so close!! Hang in there.

And they can't always tell. Maybe your water will break. Don't worry about the 'progression'. It can happen fast. :) HUGS.

Ming said...

I'm so sorry. I felt just like you one year ago. It's miserable. Hang in there. Pregnancy is not made for short girls is it? I blow up like a balloon while my tall girlfriends look amazing. It's not fair. :) I agree with Em yourself some Tim Riggins and all will be right again. ;)