Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving Week

M's 1st Thanksgiving. She is such a chubster. We had a very low key but lovely thanksgiving. Dee and Drew and Declan joined our little family of five. We had all the main Thanksgiving dishes, but many I cheated on and purchased as most the house- including most the pots and utensils are packed up. In the morning Jake played Turkey Bowl with friends, and is still limping after the almost three hours of what he says was one of the funnest football games of his life. The kids made simple Thanksgiving decorations for the table and I browsed Black Friday deals while we watched the Macy's Parade. I made our small turkey in the crock pot, and our stuffing was from a box, we ate off paper plates. Then we visited to a background of football games. Quiet but very relaxing. I had the silly idea that I would hop over to Wal-mart just for fun. But it was not fun. It nearly gave me a panic attack so after wandering around for a while I just left empty handed. The crowds and lines and missed sleep just didn't seem worth saving $100.
Today we had the chance to go to our nieces baptism in Alpine. After followed a lunch with friends and family. We can't get enough of you Lind family, thank you for adopting us into your awesome family. We never wanted to leave- and not just because our house is a chaotic mess of boxes. As we were driving home, with two of three kids asleep, drinking our ice soda with the heater on full blast even though it is almost 60 degrees outside we couldn't believe our luck, that we still had a whole weekend ahead of us.
Good thing to because we have lots to do.
The Thanksgiving Break sure felt like a treat.
Almost big enough to sit in the bumbo. This angel is so sweet I hate that I just can't cuddle her all day long. She's so happy, missed naps and feedings late, she rolls with it. I can't believe how happy her smiles and coos make me. I call her my angel, partly because she is such a good baby, and I think partly because she seems so good next to Kate and Sam on days when they won't stop fighting or complaining.Getting a story from Dad
The kids have been such helpful packers. They actually like to pack with me, use the taping machine, etc. Tonight we cleaned out the kitchen cabinets. They helped put stuff in the boxes, wipe them out, then crawled inside and used them the rest of the night as play houses.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

glad you had a happy thanksgiving!