Thursday, December 8, 2011

Friends and Goodbye

We've officially said all our goodbyes now. Yesterday were some of the more difficult. We spent a greater half of the day with the Pearsons, and it only made it harder. We have been friends with them for four plus years. They moved, into our ward a few months after us. They had their 1st child a few months after us. And we cried and laughed together when we discovered we were pregnant with our 2nd children with 13 month olds to care for in the same week. In the end, we have three children each who match up in age, Johnny and Kate, Ethan and Sam, and Mallory and Marianne. Some of these children were born just weeks apart. Not only that- they get along better than any other kids. It is a pretty rare occurance when husbands are best friends, wives are best friends and kids get along too. Even more so their extended family welcomes you with open arms like you are a part of the family too. How lucky we have been. They have been the kind of friends I just let myself into their home. The kind of friends who beg you to watch your kids because they claim it makes their day easier- then return them with dinner for you because they think you are probably busy. The kind of friends who show up anytime you are doing a home improvement project and claim they owe you for letting them help and take off work just to help you pack a truck. The kind of friends my husband TALKS ON THE PHONE too. Now that really is a special thing.
Now that we are moving they might be looking for new best friends and if you are smart, you'll figure out a way to make that you. And then I will be jealous of you forever.

They sent us on our way with well loved gifts- a life size superman, princess purse and the amazing quilt below.

Here is a picture of of our kids with some friends on a night where the Pearson's threw us a little surprise goodbye party two weeks ago. It was too nice of them, and the kids had a blast together. Here are 7 kids succesfully sharing one coloring book.

1 comment:

Janalyn said...

oh Crystal how I do miss you like crazy already! You are so strong and steady - wish you would have rubbed off on me a bit more! You're new house looks amazing! I can't wait to see the inside! I am sorry that this has been such a crazy run around for you -- but just so you know it would be ok if for some strange reason you were to move back. I know you are going to work wonders there because that is just the kind of person you are - wonderful!