I have been up since 4:30 am.
That is super rare for me.
Getting things done today. Yesterday was a horrible day.
My kids have ear infections again. and colds.
I feel like our life in California might be fun except for the fact that we have been miserabley unhealthy since we arrived.
I don't know what I expected seeing as how every time we come here for christmas we return home with our worst sickness for the year and a few ear infections.
After going to the doctor and waiting an hour, then being seen for 45 minutes, we had to travel around to three different pharmacies to get their antibiotics.
I thought this was ridiculous.
It certainly was exhausting.
Especially when it takes me 10 minutes just to get through an intersection because I still don't know my way around and it is rush hour, and that actually means something here.
What should have taken an hour or two ended up taking more than four.
Partially because we had to stop for dinner as it was almost seven and we still had not gotten their prescriptions.
I thought moving to the big city was suppose to make it so I could get to places quickly and have access to more stuff.
In Heber it would have taken me less than 45 to be in an out of the doctors and home with meds in hand. and I would have been irritated it took so long then.
Finally we gave up- took everyone home- and I went out to try to retrieve antibiotics alone.
I felt like I was in some kind of epidemic movie where medicine was not available.
But the pharmacies all acted like it was super routine and couldn't believe I didn't call ahead to see if they had it in stock.
It is an antibiotic.... is that not what half the people at the pharmacy are there for?
As I set out alone I realized I was singing the 12 days of Christmas loudly in the car.
And realized that I had actually cracked. gone mad. my brain was fried.
There really could be no other excuse for my choice of song and volume alone in the car.
I forgot to mention that the washing machine broke.
A victim of the move I think. It is unfixable. Dead. and spewed water all over the laundry room floor.
We ordered a new one. It was suppose to have two day shipping.
But of course it wasn't in stock either.
Why is nothing in stock around here.
So what I thought was going to be two days without a washer, has turned into 6 days without a washer plus sick kids.
It is kind of my own personal hell. Me and all my germ-a-phob ways.
Attempting to purge the house of germs without a washer has been mostly unsuccessful.
Thankfully it should be here by Thursday.
And if you see my kids wearing pj's that are too small for them at the store mid afternoon, it is because it is seriously all that is left.
Good thing I would never see anyone I know at the store though.
Remember how I use to go to the store and know every single person there?
Listen to me whine. I am getting pretty good at it.
Back to today. I was up with cranky kids at 4:30 am. When I got them to bed I couldn't sleep, so I started on chores.
Turns out you can clean almost the whole house super speedy when everyone is asleep. Then I instant messaged with Amy (who is in Switzerland now), showered, made breakfast and ordered myself a new king size bed.
The fact that I couldn't have fit in my bed if I wanted to go back to sleep because it was too full of a husband and two children pushed me to finally order it. Also I went ahead and ordered Amazon Mom style- diapers and wipes and pullups for the next month.
Determined for today to be better I then read the Ensign online.
About now children were waking up.
I fed them.
Administered those stupid antibiotics that cost me my entire day (and completely ruined the budged for the month as if the broken washer hadn't already- hence the no guilt purchase of a bed).
Then told them we had some chores to do.
Whining happened.
You better believe it. (where do they get this stuff)
Once they saw it was cleaning the play room they were a little less resistant.
Once they saw I had an new organizer the needed to pick toys to go in-they were a little less resistant.
Once they saw it was -dump all the toys in a tub of bleach and water- they got into it.
And helped me sanitize all the toys.
I told them there were more chores to do.
More whining happened.
Perhaps they are getting their whiny ways from me.
Then I told them it was to watch some of our Disney movies and find the broken ones so we could do this
replacment program.
Then they were happy to help.
It is kind of the worst chore any parent could ask their kid to do.
Watch all the Disney movies and find the broken ones. Sarcasm.
I think today is going to be a better day. For everyone.
Though I just heard from the couch.
" DO we REALLy have to WATCH ALL of these MoVies!!!**" in a whining sound of way.